Part 1 (Natural selection) Flashcards
Certain alleles are favored that increase in frequency, while others are favored and decrease in frequency
Natural selection
What is the effect on variation?
Can maintain/ increase or decrease
The ability of a genotype to leave offspring in the next generation
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is a
null hypothesis
Specifies what should be observed
Null hypothesis
Random changes in allele frequency; most important in small populations
Genetic Drift
the effect of genetic variation? (genetic drift)
The effect on average fitness? (genetic drift)
-Variation exists among individuals in population
-Traits are heritable
-Survival and reproduction are highly variable
-Non-random survival and reproduction
Darwins Postulates
Random production of alleles
What increases genetic variation?
-Frequencies drift up and down over time
-especially affects small populations
Genetic drift
-adding new alleles (evolution)
-removing alleles (evolution)
Gene flow
High gene flow =
more similar populations
Low gene flow =
more different populations