What Is an Operating System?
Computer consists of some or all of:
- Processors
- Main memory
- Disk
- Various input/output device/interface
Managing all these components require a layer of software - the Operating System
What are the two main functions of an OS?
1) It is an extended Virtual Machine
2) It is a resource manager
How does the OS operates as an extended machine?
It provides usable abstractions for complex/difficult to use hardware
How does the OS operates as a resource manager?
- The OS allow multiple programs to run at the same time
- It manages and protects memory, I/O devices and other resources
- It shares resources in two ways:
1) In time
2) In space
What is a process?
A Process is the key operating system abstraction.
A process is a program in execution.
Each process has an address space.
- Memory locations the process can read and write.
- Executable program text, program data and its stack (one frame per active procedure).
Monolythic vs Microkernel
Traditionally all OS layers are in kernel
– But kernel bugs bring whole system down
– In monolithic systems a bug in an audio driver can crash the system
➔ Put as little as possible in kernel mode
• Microkernels
– Split OS into small, well-defined modules
– Run only one essential module in kernel mode (the microkernel for process management, IPC etc.)
– Device drivers, filesystem etc. are separate user mode processes
• Bug in audio driver will garble sound not the system!