Part 1 - Initial Response to Homicide or Serious Crime Flashcards
What are the primary functions of an initial Police responder to a homicide or serious crime?
- Attending the scene at an early stage
- Taking control of the situation
- Co-ordinating tasks
Examples of incidents that are not initially identifiable as a homicide
- Report of a missing person
- Sudden unexplained death of an infant
- Unexplained death
- Report of an abduction
- Report of violence where no fatalities are anticipated
- Crime scene without body present
- Hit and run vehicular collision
- Suicide
- Fatal fire
- Drug related deaths
The actions of the first responders have a critical effect on an investigation and the potential for gathering evidence. List the points in the general investigation model that should be applied in all cases?
Identify and locate the victim(s).
Make an initial appreciation of the incident. Assess personal risk and then preserve the lives of others.
Locate and contain witnesses.
Preserve the scene (e.g. set boundaries).
Note evidence and preserve any that would otherwise be lost or destroyed.
Consider whether the ingredients of the alleged offence have been established.
Identify what powers are available and consider whether to execute them.
Identify and apprehend suspect(s).
An appreciation is a proven method of problem solving.
The process follows a series of steps to ensure the optimum course of action is decided upon.
It is an ongoing process which involves continually thinking through each new piece of information as it is uncovered.
Police attending a serious crime incident must make an appreciation before making decisions and prioritising tasks.
What are the key benefits of applying an appreciation technique?
Must know
- Informs all Police what they are expected to achieve
- Increases the chances of success, i.e. the investigative aims/objectives being met
- Establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out
- Manages risk
- Reduces uncertainty
- Eliminates duplication
- Ensures nothing is overlooked
- Effective use of resources
Courses Open
An aim is a short (one line) statement which succinctly demonstrates a single objective
- The aim must be clear, concise and accurate.
- It must be chosen carefully as the wrong aim will produce the wrong result.
- The aim should be borne in mind at all times, particularly when making decisions
A factor is any circumstance or fact that could possibly have an effect on the manner in which you will achieve your desired outcome.
Ask the question “So what… Therefore”
- The environment
- Weather conditions
- Further risk to life
- Location of possible suspect
- Resources available
Courses open
Courses open are a list of all the possible ways the aim could be achieved, bearing in mind the factors and the deductions made from those factors
A plan is a proposed course of action designed to put the selected course into action in order to achieve the desired aim
What are the two main purposes for Police attending a scene of any death?
Must know
Police’s purpose is always to:
- Investigate thoroughly and
- Gather sufficient evidence to explain the circumstances of the death.
It is a priority to obtain all available information from complainants/informants as they may be the only source of information available until Police attend.
Every effort should be made to obtain:
- identity and location of the suspect
- a first-hand account of what they know
- precise details of the location of the scene
- circumstances leading to the discovery
- identity of the victim
- details of anyone else at the scene
- full contact details
- their demeanour
- their relationship to the victim or suspect
- details of action they have taken and where they have been
- details of any hazards or safety issues that may affect Police approaching the scene/victim.
If there is a delay between the initial report and Police arriving, to prevent loss or contamination of evidence, the complainant/informant may be asked:
- to return to the proximity of the scene, and guard it, if it is considered safe for them to do so
- not to enter the obvious boundaries of the scene
- not to touch or move anything
- to prevent others from entering or touching the scene
- to await Police arrival and identify themselves to the first Police at the scene.
What are the 3 categories of a victims medical status?
Must know
- Alive and uninjured
- Alive but injured
- Shows no signs of life
If a victim is alive and uninjured…
Proceed to preserving the scene
If a victim is alive but injured…
Call an ambulance
Consider resuscitation if appropriate
If the victim has to be moved for this purpose, note the original body position and record any previous movements
If it is necessary for the victim to be transferred to hospital by ambulance, details of the ambulance crew and their destination must be recorded.
If practicable, a detective should accompany the victim to hospital. Otherwise, a detective should attend hospital without delay.
On arrival at hospital, the detective should follow the following steps
- Obtain a medical opinion as to the victim’s current medical condition
- Seize the victims clothing and other possessions as evidence
- Establish the victim’s identity
- Obtain a pre-transfusion blood sample using Police Toxicology Kit containers
- Seize any discarded bandages used to cover gunshot wounds and record the position on the victim where each bandage had been applied.
- Arrange firearms residue samples in cases where firearm use is suspected, including from the victim of any apparent suicide involving a firearm.
- Note and photograph any injuries
- Arrange DNA swabs to be taken from the victim’s skin, where they would be relevant to the particular circumstances of the case.
- Obtain details of any and all persons who visit or contact the victim
- Conduct a scoping interview with the victim to establish what happened and who was involved; where this would not adversely affect the medical welfare of the victim.
If it is anticipated the victim may die, consider recording an immediate statement, whether the victim can sign it or not.
If the victim subsequently dies, their statement may be admissible in proceedings as hearsay evidence, under section 18(1) of the Evidence Act 2006. - Conduct a preliminary interview with ambulance and emergency staff who treated the victim, to establish what happened and who was involved.
If a victim subsequently dies, can a statement they made prior to dying be admissible in proceedings?
Must know
Yes, If the victim subsequently dies, their statement may be admissible in proceedings as hearsay evidence, under sec 18(1) EA06.
Sec 18 EA06 - General admissibility of hearsay
(1) A hearsay statement is admissible in any proceeding if
(a) the circumstances relating to the statement provide reasonable assurance that the statement is reliable; and
(b) either
(i) the maker of the statement is unavailable as a witness; or
(ii) the Judge considers that undue expense or delay would be caused if the maker of the statement were required to be a witness
Police taking a statement from a victim who may subsequently die must record any factors which demonstrate the reliability of the statement or its maker.
What are the circumstances that must be considered under sec 16(1) EA06 when determining the reliability of a statement or its maker?
Must know
- the nature of the statement
- the contents of the statement
the circumstances relating to: - the making of the statement
- the veracity of the person
- the accuracy of the observation of the person
Preserving the scene
Police who arrive at the scene first should follow these steps
Preserving the scene
- Gather info and carry out initial assessment of the scene
- Establish the crime scene, extend parameters as widely as possible
- Consider possible approach paths and Establish a common approach path
- Note and record observations
- Establish a scene headquarters and safe arrival/assembly points
- Provide sitrep to comms
Explain Common Approach Path
Must know
A common approach path must be established for all movement into and out of the scene, using a path which avoids any route possibly taken to and from the scene by the suspect or the victim
Preserving the scene
- Sec 116 SAS Act 2012 Power to secure scene
- Remove all persons without disturbing the scene using the CAP
- Cordon parameters using Police emergency tape
- Arrange and brief scene guards
- Arrange crime scene logs
- Prevent unauthorised persons entering or leaving
- Prevent any further loss or damage to evidence caused by weather or animals
Preserving the scene
- Consider the best path into the scene.
- Record any movements or action taken in the scene
- Preserve what is there and leave it ‘in situ’. Ensure nothing is touched or moved. The scene must be kept in its original state.
- If no immediate life is at risk, consider using stepping plates.
- Be prepared to take immediate action to preserve and record evidence that may change if nothing is done. Eg rain may damage a footprint or bloodstain