PART 1. - IN GENERAL Flashcards
The City has enhanced police power over alcoholic beverages pursuant to the _____ to the United States Constitution and, in enacting the provisions of this Chapter, the Council is exercising the full strength of that Amendment power.
Twenty-First Amendment
In order to be a bona fide restaurant, the establishment must, among other things, have sales of food and nonalcoholic beverages that consistently make up at least _____ of the establishment’s gross sales
51 percent
Alcoholic beverages means and includes distilled spirits and all beverages containing ______ percent or more of alcohol by volume
one half of one
Fourteen percent alcoholic beverages means and includes all beverages containing _____ 14 percent of alcohol by volume
more than
Intoxicating beverages means and includes only those alcoholic beverages containing more than ______ percent of alcohol by volume
Where the term _____ or _____ is used in this Chapter, it shall mean a vendor or business licensed by the state to sell alcoholic beverages.
licensed vendor or licensed business
It shall be unlawful and a _____ offense for any female employee of a licensed business authorized to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises to drink, dance or mingle with any patron of such establishment.
class D
Serving persons under 21 years of age.: Upon the first conviction for violation of this Section, the convicted person shall be punished by a fine of _____ and _____ hours of community service.
$500 and 72
Serving persons under 21 years of age.: Upon the second conviction for violation of this Section, the convicted person shall be punished with a fine of ______ and _____ hours of community service.
$500 and 144
Serving persons under 21 years of age.: Upon the third and subsequent convictions for violation of this Section, the convicted person shall be punished with a fine of _____ and _____ hours of community service and from three to ______ imprisonment.
$500 and 144
30 days
It shall be unlawful for any vendor to permit ______ or _____ on a premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages or within the same building as licensed premises, or to permit the premises to be operated as a ______ or _____ or to permit therein any violation of any City ordinance regulating ______.
prostitution or solicitation of prostitution
disorderly place or public nuisance
moral decency
It shall be unlawful for any vendor to permit _____ or _____ on a premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages or within the same building as licensed premises.
gambling or solicitation of gambling
Except as provided in this Section, it shall be unlawful and a ______ offense for any person to sell, serve or consume any alcoholic beverage upon public streets or sidewalks, at any City park or playground, at or in any City building or on any property owned, leased or occupied by the City.
class B
Sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in municipal parks or on City-owned or -leased property; penalty - does the city have to post signs prohibiting the use of alcohol to enforce this MO?
Alcoholic beverages, which have been purchased or served from a City-owned or -leased location, may be sold, served and consumed at any time where _____, or his authorized designee, determines that the sale, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages would be in the best interest of the City.
the Mayor
the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed at any event at which the average age of the participants or the spectators, in the opinion of the Mayor, or his authorized designee, is under the age of _____;
the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed at any event at which the City, lessee, or sponsoring organization of the event specifically requests in _____ to the _____, or his authorized designee, that alcoholic beverages not be sold, served or consumed at such event
the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed at any events at which the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages is otherwise prohibited by ______, ______ or _____
local, state or federal law
Any person selling or serving alcoholic beverages on public streets or sidewalks, at any City park or playground, at or in any City building, or at or on any City-owned or -leased property pursuant to this Section shall, prior to any such sale or service, obtain, if required, the proper permit or license from the ______.
Any officer or employee of the City violating any provision of this Section shall also be subject to ______ or ______.
suspension or dismissal
The “Alltel Stadium Event Period” means the time period running from ______ the day before an event to ______ the day after the event.
8: 00 a.m.
11: 59 p.m.
Alcoholic beverages, whether purchased or served from a City-owned or -leased location or not, may be consumed within the Sports Complex Area (Figure 1) during the ______
Event Period
The prohibition contained in Section 412.106, Ordinance Code [this Section] against the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on property leased, owned or otherwise occupied by the City (except for certain facilities not relevant in this ordinance) shall not apply to the annual ______ and ______
`Mayport and All That Jazz Festival.’
`Mayport and All That Jazz Festival.’ The Council specifically authorizes the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, except ______ or more by weight alcoholic beverages, during the festival by persons providing food and drink and by persons attending the festival.”
14 percent
It is unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, on the premises of any vendor, except within ______ which is the address of such vendor, on ______ adjacent to such building, or within a ______ contiguous and attached to the building, and maintained and controlled by the vendor exclusively for those purposes, including but not limited to, golf facilities, tennis facilities, boating and fishing facilities, swimming facilities or other recreational purposes; provided, that such patio or recreational area meets the distance limitations of Chapter 656. Violation of this Section is a ______
the building
a patio
recreational area
class D
It shall be unlawful and a _____ offense for any person operating an establishment which is open to members of the general public and where any alcoholic beverage is served or consumed on the premises ______ any main entranceway to the premises or otherwise prevent ______ and ______ to the premises from the outside through a main entrance at any time when such establishment is open for the carrying on of business.
class D
to lock
free and open access
Health dangers of consuming alcoholic beverages; health warning sign: All vendors shall have posted in a _____ in their premises and in all _____ a sign which is clearly visible and readable to all persons entering the premises which shall read as follows:
conspicuous place
Health dangers of consuming alcoholic beverages; health warning sign: Violation of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than ______ or by imprisonment for not more than ______, or both; provided, however, that the first offense cited at any location shall not constitute a violation pursuant to this Section and the vendor shall in such case only receive a ______ for the first offense.
30 days
warning notice
It shall be unlawful and a _____ offense for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle on the public streets of the County. (including mopeds and any other motorized vehicle.)
class D
it shall be unlawful and a class D offense for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Deliver more than ______ alcoholic beverage drinks to one person at one time for consumption by that one person;
it shall be unlawful and a class D offense for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Sell, offer to sell or deliver to any person or group of persons any alcoholic beverage drinks at a price _____ for such drinks during the same calendar week, except at private functions not open to the public
less than that regularly charged
it shall be unlawful and a class ______ for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Sell, offer to sell or deliver to any person any unlimited number of alcoholic beverage drinks during any set period of time for a fixed price, except at private functions not open to the public,
D offense
it shall be unlawful and a class D offense for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Sell, offer to sell or deliver malt beverages or mixed alcoholic beverage drinks by the pitcher except to _____ or more persons at any one time;
It shall be unlawful and a class D offense for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Increase the volume of alcoholic beverages contained in a drink without increasing proportionately the ______ for such drink during the same calendar week;
price regularly charged
it shall be unlawful and a class D offense for any vendor of alcoholic beverages to: Encourage, conduct, permit or authorize, on the vendor’s premises, any game or contest which involves ______ of alcoholic beverages or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes
fight nights; matches or contests are prohibited for vendors of alcoholic beverage unless: The contestants are all _____.
fight nights; matches or contests: ______ means a person who is not a professional as defined in F.S. § 548.002 and who engages in a match, contest or exhibition that is governed and authorized by USA Boxing, American Boxing and Athletic Association, International Sports Combat Federation, International Kickboxing Federation or Jacksonville Fraternal Order of Police Consolidated Lodge 5-30;
fight nights; matches or contests: The contestants have not consumed, used or are under the influence of any _____ or ____
alcoholic beverage or illegal drug;
fight nights; matches or contests: The contestants, and any alternates, have registered and are matched at least ______ before the match, contest or exhibition;
seven days