Part 1 - Impounded Property Flashcards
Recovered Property:
When _____ is returned to the owner in the field, or at the district station, the releasing officer will also have a supervisor sign the Property Receipt.
Recovered Property:
Lost/Abandoned Property with no owner information valued at $___or less is posted on the lost/abandoned board in the Central Records Bureau and a copy attached to each receipt.
Lost/Abandoned Property with no owner information valued over $__is advertised in The Daily Business Review for a two-week printing in that publication.
When a departmentally-issued firearm is impounded for evidence, a case report must be prepared.
The ____ officer will prepare a transmittal memorandum and forward a copy of the case report via chain-of-command to the Miami-Dade County Public Safety Training Institute within 24 hours of impoundment.
Authorization to Remove Property:
When specifically required for activities in furtherance of an _____ case investigation, the impounding officer, assigned investigator, or their respective supervisor (lieutenant or higher), is authorized to sign for, and remove property from PES.
Property may only be removed to be utilized for official transactions.
Authorization to Remove Property:
The Operations ____ will designate an Operations Section Sergeant to check the “Hold for Investigation” file **on a daily basis. **
Authorization to Remove Property:
Release of Property for Investigative Purposes: Property scheduled for legal destruction or ____ may, under certain circumstances, be removed for investigative purposes such as sting operations.
Property Required for Court:
When required for court and upon presentation of a ________ _________ Notice, the impounding officer, lead investigator, or their respective supervisor (sergeant or higher) may remove property from PES.
The FSB, Crime Scene Investigations Section, lead investigator may also remove property for court upon presentation of a Mandatory Appearance Notice requiring him or her to bring said evidence to court.
Mandatory Appearance
Evidentiary Property Not Returned at the Scene or a District Station:
The ____ assigned to the case will determine if any of the impounded items may be returned to the victim.
The concerned officer will ensure that the date, time, and name of the ____ authorizing the release are clearly noted on the original copy of the Property Receipt.
Notarizing Officer:
Fla. Stat 117.10, states that law enforcement officers and correctional officers, as defined in Fla. Stat. 943.10, are notaries public for the purpose of notarizing, certifying, or attesting to _______ in connection with the performance of official duties.
An officer may not notarize his own signature.
Video Evidence:
Cases involving the examination of computers and other digital evidence seized under the authority of a search warrant must be submitted to the FCLS within___ hours of seizure.
A copy of the search warrant and warrant affidavit must be delivered within __ days of the property being submitted to the FCLS.
FCLS Video Evidence:
Evidence submitted after the 72-hour limitation must be accompanied with a memorandum from a ______ or higher explaining the reason for the delay.
All tangible personal property that does not have an identifiable owner and has been disposed on public property in a wrecked, inoperative, or partially dismantled condition or has no apparent intrinsic value to the rightful owner.
Abandoned Property:
Categories Defined:
Property is divided into ___ supplemental categories to provide a means for standardized recording and storage procedures.
Temporary Storage:
Except jewelry, narcotics, and negotiable items that exceed a value of $_____, district stations are authorized to accept property for temporary storage.
Jewelry and Negotiable Items:
Jewelry and negotiable instruments valued over $ _____ are hand-carried to PES by the impounding officer **prior to the end of his tour of duty. **