PART 1 (CHAPTER 3) Flashcards
The Legal Relationship
a connection between two or more parties that is governed by the law, it outlines the rights, duties and responsibilities of those involved (ex. buyer and seller)
Elements of legal relation
Elements of legal relation (Subjects)
the subject of a legal relationship are persons: natural persons or legal persons
The legal relationships have:
- an active side -> the holder of the right
- a passive side -> the party bound by the obligation
Legal personality
ability to hold rights and to be subject to obligations (qualitative concept)
Natural persons
also called a physical persons, are the individuals. They acquire their legal personality at the moment of birth (any human being)
Legal persons
organizations, created with legal purpose, to which the Law recognizes the ability of having rights and being bound by obligations
Types of legal persons
Organizations where the personal element prevails: associations, companies, non-profit organisations
Organizations where the patrimonial element prevails: foundations
Legal capacity
measure of rights and obligations (quantitative concept), it is what a human can do within the framework of a legal system
Generic legal capacity
that which includes the totality of rights and obligations recognized in a legal order
Specific legal capacity
that which includes only certain categories of rights and obligations
Legal capacity to enjoy
measure of rights and obligations that a person may hold or be subject to
Legal capacity to exercise
measure of rights and obligations that a person can exercise personally and freely
Legal incapacity
measure of rights and obligations a person is incapable of holding or being subject to
Can incapacity be remedied?
it is not possible to remedy the legal incapacity to enjoy, however it is possible to do so in relation to the incapacity to exercise
Legal means to remedy incapacity
legal institutes created to solve the technical and legal problems arising in connection with a situation of incapacity (the legal means to remedy the incapacity of minors are the paternal authority and legal guardianship)
Object of the legal relationship
- The immediate object - set of rights and obligations
- The mediate object - things and conducts
things are inert and autonomous reality that are susceptible of ownership or legal effect
Classification of legal things
- Things in commerce/ things out of commerce
- Movable/ non movable
- Fungible/ not fungible
- Consumable/ non consumable
- Divisible/ non divisible
- Existent/ future
Non movable things
- rural and urban properties
- water
- trees, shrubs, and natural fruit (while connected to the soil)
- rights to inherent to the properties
- integrant parts of rural and urban properties
Movable things
things that are not listed in article 204 of the Civil Code (Ex: a book, a hat, a watch, etc.)
Fungible things
goods measured by type, quality and quantity, fungible goods can be replaced by others of the same type, quality or quantity
Non fungible things
can not be measured by genre, quality, and quantity nor can they be replaced by others of the same genre, quality or quantity (a painting by Degas, goods with sentimental value, etc.)
refers to the behaviour or actions of a person or entity
Types of conducts
- De dare
- De facere
- De non facere
De dare conducts
required conduct is related to a thing, to the obligation of delivering something (I paid for a good, I am entitled to receive the good)
De facere conducts
required conduct is an action or an activity. The conduct consists of doing something (to lecture a class or do a surgery)
De non facere
required conduct is an omission or an obligation to tolerate something (obligation to not build in a certain land)
Fungible obligations/conducts
can be carried out by a person other than the debtor with no prejudice to the creditor (Ex: I lend 50 bucks to someone, it’s indifferent where the payment comes from)
Non fungible obligations/conducts
can only be carried out by the debtor and not by anyone else (Ex: I ask someone to decorate by new home, having someone else to decorate it is unacceptable)
legal facts are all the events/occurrences that generate legal effects
Such events can be:
Natural facts: earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
Voluntary human facts or legal acts: legal acts can be legal or illegal
Legal acts
legal acts constitute of (i) simple legal acts or (ii) legal businesses
Simple legal acts
expression of will which, as such, produces legal effects (Ex: I verbally abuse someone, thus I am liable to pay damages)
Legal businesses
acts carried out with the intention of producing legal effects
Legal businesses types
Unilateral business
there is only one will, one party (a person’s last will and testament, a power of attorney, the act of establishing a foundation)
Bilateral business
requires the will of two or more people, pursuing different interests that come together in order to obtain an agreement (Ex: contracts)
Legal facts can be:
Constitutive facts
facts that generate legal relationships (Ex: a person is born, people get married, a contract is signed)
Modifying facts
facts that change, amend or modify a legal relation (Ex: the amendment of a contract)
Extinctive facts
facts that extinguish legal relationships (Ex: the payment of debt)
assurance made by one party (the guarantor) to another party (the beneficiary) that they will fulfill their obligations or duties of a third party (the principal) if the principal fails to do so.