Part 1 Chapter 2 Flashcards
Meaning of law
- Used in connection with system of rules that regulate conduct in a certain society, assisted by mechanisms to ensure compliance
- Refers to normative acts, created through a formal legislative process; legislative acts
- Refers to legislative acts in general (laws and decree laws)
- Used to name legislative acts of the Assembly of the Republic
Different types of normative acts
- Legislative acts: laws from the Assembly of the Republic,
- Decree-laws from the government
- regional legislative decrees from regional legislative assemblies
- Other normative acts: implementing decree, regional implementing decree, ordinance and regulations of local authorities
Legislative Organs
- Assembly of the Republic
- The government
- Legislative Regional assemblies
Hierarchy of laws
1= Constitution
2=Laws and decree laws
Explain what sort legislative acts are revokable
Legislative acts that share the same position on the hierarchy of laws can be revoked and can revoke acts that hold a lower position on the hierarchy of laws.
However, acts on a lower position on the hierarchy cannot revoke acts in a higher position.
What is the main Legislative organ
The Assembly of the Republic
Provide information in regard to the legislative competence of the assembly of the republic and its effects on other legislative organs
It has a generic legislative competence, which does not include the modus operandi of the government and the essential content of the autonomous regions
The Assembly of the Republic has a large list of matters in relation to what?
Has exclusive legislative competence or partially exclusive legislative competence.
Describe wat are executive laws that are published under legislative authorization
Laws that grant authorization to legislate must define the object, the purpose, extent and duration of the authorization.
What is the deadline to enact laws and decree laws?
20 days (Laws)
40 days (decree laws)
Explain veto of laws
Is suspensive in regard to laws but veto against decree laws in final
The types of legislative competence of the Government
- Reserved
- Concurrent
- Subject to authorisation
- Complementary
Reserved legislative competence
Only the government can legislate on the organisation and modus operandi of the government
Concurrent legislative competence
In relation to all maters that are not reserved to the Assembly of the Republic, the Government has concurrent legislative competence.
Subject to authorisation legislative competence
The government can legislate on matters included in the partially reserved legislate competence of the Assembly of the Republic if dully authorised