Part 1 - Basics of Economy and Business Flashcards
What are goods?
A good is a physical item that can be touched and felt. Goods are tangible.
What are cash flows?
Cash flows are cash receipts and cash payments of a business.
What is value?
Value is the price someone is willing to pay for a good or service.
What is a balance sheet?
A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities and the owner´s equity of a business at a specific point in time.
What is the economy dealing with?
The economy is dealing with the satisfaction of human needs/wants. The resources are scarce but the wishes and needs from the people are unlimited.
What are needs?
Needs are basic human requirements.
What are the 2 main types of needs?
The 2 main types of needs are:
- Material needs (air, water, food)
- Immaterial needs (safety, entertainment, recreation, …)
What are wants? Give an example:
Needs become wants by directing to a specific object.
Example: The need for food -> The want of rice, bread…
(You need to eat to survive, however, the food that can be eaten can also be chosen).
What are demands?
Demands are wants for specific products or services backed by an ability to pay for them.
(Willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods or services).
What can marketers influence and what they cannot create?
Marketers can influence wants but they cannot create needs.
What are doing business for?
Doing business is to create and satisfy market demands.
What are the needs according to Maslow?
- Physiological needs (food, water, shelter)
- Safety needs (security, steady income, protection)
- Social needs (love, sense of belonging)
- Esteem needs (self-esteem, recognition)
- Self-actualization needs (self-development and realization)
According to Maslow, when will a person try to satisfy its different needs?
A person will try to satisfy the higher levels´ needs once the lower levels´ needs are satisfied.
Associate the following product segments with the Maslow´s needs:
- Basic segment
- Middle segment
- Fashionable hypes
- Luxury segment
- Alternative offering
- Physiological needs
- Safety needs
- Social needs
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualization needs
What is the definition of supply?
The supply in this context is the willingness and abilityy of producers to offer goods or services for a certain price
Law of Demand:
Buyers will purchase (demand) more of a product or service if its price drops and less if the price increases.
Law of Supply:
Producers will produce (supply) more of a product or service, if the prices increase and less if the prices decrease.
What is the equilibrium´s/Market price?
It is the price in which the quantity of goods and services demanded is equal to the quantity of goods and services supplied.
What is a market?
A market is a place where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchanges or transactions of goods and services.
What is today´s dominant economic system?
The main economic system today is the free market economy.
What is liberalism´s basic idea?
The economy should be a political power-free arena.
What is Adam Smith´s concept of Homo oeconomicus?
The driving force of the national economy is the self-interest of each person.
What, according to Adam Smith, leads to the maximization of the wealth of the nations?
The maximization of the desire and self- interest of the individuals to maximize profits leads to the maximization of the wealth of the nations.
What are the 4 types of degrees of competition in a realistic market environment?
- Perfect competition (polypoly)
- Monopolistic competition
- Oligopoly
- Monopoly
What is a monopoly and what are its price´s characteristics?
A monopoly is a market or industry in which there is only one producer who can dictate the prices of its goods and services.
What is an oligopoly and what are its prices characteristics?
An oligopoly is a market or industry characterized by a handful of (usually large sellers) with the power to influence the market prices.
What is a monopolistic competition? Give one example:
A monopolistic competition characterizes an industry in which many firms offer products or services that are similar (but no perfect substitutes).
Example: Fast-food industry: McDonald´s and BK offer similar products but a big mac is not the same as a whopper.
What is the Laissez Faire Principle?
It consisst in no governmental intervention in market affairs
Which relationships in a company are based on contractual agreements?
All relationships of the company to employees, government, investors, etc are based on contractual agreements.
What are the conditions contained in contracts?
Contracts must be market as well as law compatible.
What do contracts provide to the participant parties?
Contracts provide security against calculated economical risks, breach of a contract is sanctioned.
What does divorce of ownership from control mean?
The so-called “divorce between ownership and control” happens when the owners of a business do not control the day-to-day decisions made in the business.
Draw the circular flow of a market economy:
What are the 3 main concerns of criticism regarding market economies today?
– Theoretical: Assumptions not tenable (e.g. homo oeconomicus)
– Empirical: Assumptions not fulfilled (e.g. perfect competition)
– Normative: Consequences not wanted (e.g. mass dismissal)
Need of governmental intervention to set up regulatory frameworks:
– to safeguard a market economy environment (e.g. anti-trust laws)
– to stimulate economic growth (e.g. anti-economic-cycle programs)
– to pursue common welfare of the society (e.g. wealth re-distribution)
What are the 2 main conflicting economic schools today?
- Keynesianism (More governmental regulations)
- Neoliberalism (Less governmental regulations)
What are the 3 types of economic systems?
- (Free) Market Economy
- Planned Economy
- Social Market Economy
(Free) Market Economy:
An economic system in which individuals control production and allocation decisions through supply and demand.
Planned Economy:
An economic system that relies on a centralized government to control all or most factors of production and to make all or most production and allocation decisions.
Social Market Economy:
Mixed economic system – dominantly private sector, but with a role for government intervention considering social responsibility and balance between different interest groups.
Who is the big name in implementing the social market in Germany?
Ludwig Erhardt (“So wenig Staat wie möglich und so viel Soziales wie nötig”)
What is the market component of Germany´s social market system?
- Freedom of action embedded in
governmental frame regulations - Safeguard fair market competition
- Control market concentration
What is the social component of Germany´s soacial market system?
- Ensure social stability
- Re-allocation of income / wealth
- Protection of natural resources and environment
What are the components of the “Magic hexagon”?
- Economic growth
- Full Employment
- Price stability
- Balance of world trade
- Protection of the environment
- Fair wealth distribution
Why is it called a “Magic hexagon”?
It is called a magic hexagon because it is not possible to achieve all the hexagon´s objectives at the same time.