Part 1 - 8 Limbs Flashcards
What are the Yamas?
Yamas are the first limb of yoga referring to the outer observances.
The Yamas are Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
Apart of the Yamas.
Ahimsa - non-violence, non-harming, compassion for self and others
Apart of the Yamas.
Satya - truth in thought, word, and action
Apart of the Yamas
Asteya - non-stealing, generosity
Apart of the Yamas
Brahmacharya - energy conservation
Apart of the Yamas
Aparigraha - non-attachment
What are the Niyamas?
Niyamas are the second limb of yoga referring to the inner observances.
The Niyamas are Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Isvarapranidhana
Apart of the Niyamas
Saucha - cleanliness of the body and mind
Apart of the Niyamas
Santosha - contentment
Apart of the Niyamas
Tapas - heat, burn, energy of self transformation
Apart of the Niyamas
Svadhyaya - self study or study of texts
Apart of the Niyamas
Isvara Pranidhana - surrender to the fullness of self or surrender to the divine
What is Seva?
Selfless service
What is Asana?
The third limb of Yoga. Asana is what is commonly thought of when someone refers to yoga.
What is Sutra 2.46? Sthira Sukham Asanam
Asana practice should be firm but pleasant