Part 1:2 The Five Elements Flashcards
Name the Five Elements
What is Waters basic quality?
Moistens downwards
Fire’s basic quality ?
Flares upwards
Woods basic quality
Can be bent and straightened
Metals basic quality
Can be moulded and can harden
Earths basic quality
Permits sowing/ growing and reaping
Yin organs
Zang organs
Heart/ Pericardium
Yang organs
Fu organs
Gall bladder
Small intestine/ Triple burner
Large intestine
What sequence is the Sheng cycle
The Generating sequence
Wood creates fire by burning
Fire creates earth from ashes
Earth creates metal by hardening
Metal creates water by containment
Water creates wood by nourishment
What sequence is the KE cycle
The controlling sequence
Fire controls metal by melting
Metal controls Wood by cutting
Wood controls Earth by covering
Earth controls water by damning
Water controls fire by extinguishing
Which two sequences apply to Pathological cases?
Over- Acting
Elements can be out of balance in four ways, what are they?
1) In excess and over- acts on another along the over acting sequence
2) In excess and ‘draws’ excessively from its mother element
3) Deficient and fails to nourish its child
4) Deficient and is insulted by another along the insulting sequence
Emotion of wood
Emotion of Fire
Emotion of Earth
Sympathy/ worry
Pensiveness/ over concentration
Emotion of Metal
Worry/ Sorrow/ Sadness
Emotion of Water
What are the two five elements in acupuncture treatments
1) Treatment according to the various sequences
2) Treatment according to the Five- Transporting points
What is the structure of anger?
An abuse and it’s significant
Timing- recent or ongoing
Who- The agent of the ‘abuse’, usually a person, but can be an organisation. Not Nature or God.
Wrongness- Usually this will involve an appeal to social norms, agreements or fairness such that what was done is wrong e.g. the neighbours said they would keep quiet after midnight.
What is the structure of fear?
If we wish to assess a patient’s Fear or Lack of Fear we must elicit:
1) The ‘threat
2) The ‘future-fantasied violation’ (FFV)
3) The ‘future fantasised safety situation’ (FFS)
4) Information leading to 2)
5) Information leading to 3)
Collecting this information before any ‘test occurs is important.
1) A threat: This is what is recurring, occurring now, or has occurred in the recent past and is causing concern. For example, footsteps heard outside the window at night, an increase in the mortgage or a pain in the abdomen that is recurring more frequently.
2) A future-fantasied violation: This is the undesirable consequences which we believe or imagine are indicated by the threat. For example, ‘pain means I may have cancer which means..
The person believes they have no or limited control over whether the future-
fantasied violation’ occurs.
3) A ‘future-fantasied safety?: This is what would happen when the FFV has not occurred and there is no longer any threat.
What is the structure of joy?
1) By giving Congruent Personal Warmth
2) Asking about an activity, which would normally be accompanied by Joy Joyous activity), and then Watching the Natural Lessening of Joy.
Congruent Personal Warmth. This is one of the best ways of observing the patient’s Joy.
Having expressed Congruent Personal Warmth to the patient we can then observe their ability to raise and maintain Joy. The essence of congruent personal warmth is the feeking that I like you, it’s nice to be with you’. We can express congruent personal warmth directly - It is really nice to see you again’, or indirectly - That’s a lovely coat; you look great in it.
A Joyous activity. This is an activity that would naturally be accompanied by a feeling of Joy.
The practitioner could, for example, ask a patient: ‘Tell me about something you’ve really enjoved in the last couple of weeks (or, indeed, are looking forward to)*. We can question them further so that they feel the feelings as if they are there now.
The Natural Lessening of Joy. Once a person is experiencing Joy and the stimulus is gone, the Joy normally recedes smoothly and in its own time. If the Joy is inappropriate it may disappear suddenly and the person appear to drop into sadness, or the Joy may escalate inappropriately.