Part 1 Flashcards
As the ancient cogwheel train clawed its way up…
krallen, kratzen, zerkratzen
to claw
The cat clawed when I tried to stroke it.
Kralle, Klaue
The cat shows its claws. Cats can retract (einziehen) their claws.
schwindlig, benommen
dizzy Adj.
The medicine made me dizzy, so I staggered back to bed. I felt a bit dizzy after the vaccination. I staggered (taumelte), dizzy from the merry-go-round. The patient was dizzy, but responsive.
schwindelerregend, verwirrend
the dizzing incline (Steigung)
Steigung, Neigung, Gefälle
After a slight incline, the path went downhill again.
vermessen, befragen, erheben, untersuchen, begutachten, inspizieren
to survey
The technicians surveyed the land before drafting the project. Political parties survey the population before elections. Before production, the company surveyed the needs of the customers. We surveyed the ship but found nothing.
zackig, gezackt, zerklüftet
the jagged mountaintop
verschmelzen, fusionieren
to fuse (fused, fused)
The two companies fused into one big corporation.
Abgrund, Steilhang
the vertical precipice
unerbittlich, unablässig, unbarmherzig, unnachgiebig
The government initiated a relentless fight against corruption.
schrumpelig, zusammengeschrumpft, dürr
the wizened skeleton
Anstieg, Welle, Überspannung
The surge in temperatures in the summer was not unexpected. The surge in demand was very beneficial for the company. The minister’s speech caused a surge of enthusiasm. An electrical surge damaged the computer.
schuldig im Sinne der Anklage
guilty as charged
Verachtung, Geringschätzung, Missachtung, Spott
The artist’s works express his disdain for money and fame.
Durchführung, Leistung, Errungenschaft
Special knowledge is needed for the accomplishment of this task. He was very proud of his accomplishment. Rule of law is one of the accomplishments of modernity.
heuchelnd, vortäuschend
He sensed the bishop was feigning ignorance in an attempt to be quaint (altmodisch).
vortäuschen, fingieren
to feign (feigned, feigned)
I feigned ignorance, but I knew exactly what was going on. The criminal feigned his death and disappeared.
Auferstehung, Wiederauferstehung
I am the same age as Christ when He performed His resurrection.
gläubig, andächtig, fromm
The preacher spoke to the devout people.
hocken, sitzen
to perch (perched, perched)
A parrot (Papagei) perched on his shoulder. Pigeons (Tauben) are often perched on statues.
Kluft, Abgrund, Schlucht
On our hike we had to cross a wide chasm.
Mischmasch, Sammelsurium, Durcheinander
The drawer (Schublade) held a hodgepodge of small items.
Pfad, Weg
A narrow pathway leads to the old church. There is a beautiful pathway along the river.
hämisch, boshaft, höhnisch, zynisch
a sardonic smile
Mildly sardonic, the chairman’s soft-spoken cross-examination embarrassed hostile witnesses without humiliating them.
Überheblichkeit, Selbstüberschätzung
The decision of the leaders demonstrates arrogance and hubris.
voraussagen, vorhersagen
to foretell (fortold, foretold)
Nobody can foretell the future.
(unmittelbar) bevorstehend, sich anbahnend, nah, drohend
imminent Adj.
We were in a rush because of the imminent deadline.
Untergang, Tod, Ende, Niedergang
The demise of the Roman Empire was the start of a new era. A new era began after the demise of the dictator.
Gebäude, Bauwerk, Bau
The office was housed in an imposing edifice. A few monumental edifices from other centuries are still standing.
Duft, Parfüm, Wohlgeruch, Duftnote
The shampoo has a light fragrance of herb and plant extracts.
Schwelle, Schwellenwert, Grenzwert
The groom carried the bride over the threshold. The groom carried the bride over the threshold.
unheimlich, gespenstisch, gruselig
eerie Adj.
I found the silence underwater somewhat eerie.
(heraus)ragen, hervorragen,
to jut (jutted, jutted)
The pier juts (out) into the lake.
He jutted his chin/jaw (out) defiantly (trotzig).
a timeworn expression/excuse
a timeworn path
liebenswürdig, liebenswert, freundlich
My grandfather was an amiable and generous man.
tupfen, abtupfen
to dab (dabbed, dabbed)
She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.
verehrt, geehrt, ehrwürdig
Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
erwartungsvoll, fordernd, erwartend
expectantly, expectant
Everyone looked to the new president with expectant eyes.
verwirren, irritieren
to bemuse
Her answer bemused us all.
geltend machen, etwas behaupten, sich durchsetzen
to assert (asserted, asserted)
I managed to assert myself in the discussion. She asserts her authority in front of her class. The teacher asserted her authority in the classroom.
sonnenbeschienen, sonnenbestrahlt, besonnt
a sunlit room/courtyard/patio (Terasse)
stillschweigend, unausgesprochen, implizit
The decision to settle out of court was seen as a tacit admission of guilt. There was a tacit understanding that we didn’t want to see each other again. He was accused of being a tacit accomplice of imperialism. The leader has plenty of tacit supporters worldwide, including a number in Europe.
Einwilligung, Duldung, Ergebung
I was surprised by her acquiescence to/in the plan. She nodded her acquiescence.
treu, ergeben, gewissenhaft
He was always faithful to his oath. The king had many faithful servants.
enthüllen, offenbaren, verraten
to reveal
Her facial expression revealed what she really felt. Her expression reveals her emotions. The audit revealed multiple accounting errors. A true magician never reveals his tricks.
Fell, Mantel, Schicht, Jacke
My cat has a soft, shiny coat. It is raining, I am putting my coat on. The coat is made from fake fur (Pelz). I let each coat dry before I paint over it again. The inside of the coat is lined.
Endlager, Lager, Quelle, Aufbewahrungsort
The most precious paintings are stored in a secure repository. My grandmother is a repository of funny stories.
bewerten, schätzen
to appraise
An expert will appraise the property prior to the sale.
sorgfältig, akribisch, minutiös, peinlich genau
The entire project was meticulously planned. Procedures had to be followed meticulously.
Lauffläche, Profil (Reifen), Schritt, Tritt
My new shoes leave an interesting tread. I heard my father’s heavy tread on the stairs.
irritieren, erschüttern, nicht harmonisieren, in Missklang stehen
to jar
Her sharp voice jarred on my ears. The car accident had jarred her nerves.
knollig, knollenförmig, knollig
a bulbous nose
Unterleib, Unterbauch, Schattenseite
On the spider’s underbelly hang a wire-mesh (Drahtgeflecht) egg sac filled with glass orbs (Glaskugeln).
prüfen, (sorgfältig) durchlesen, durchgehen
to peruse
He perused the instructions before using the device. He quickly perused the journal.
schneidig, forsch, flott, fesch
a dashing young man
She looks very dashing in her new clothes.
(vorbei)huschen, wuseln, hasten
to scurry (scurried, scurried)
He scurried to the station because he did not want to miss the train.
Revers, (Rock)Aufschlag
The coat had a broad lapel.
vortäuschen, simulieren, etwa fingieren
to feign (feigned, feigned)
I feigned ignorance, but I knew exactly what was going on. The criminal feigned his death and disappeared.
hageln, herbeiwinken, rufen, bejubeln
to hail (hailed, hailed)
We need to put a blanket over the car in case it hails. It was raining, so I hailed a taxi. He hailed a cab for his parents.
Prahlerei, Tapferkeit, Draufgängertum, Angeberei
He’s full of bravado, but really he’s a coward (Feigling).
bekannt, berühmt, anerkannt, renommiert
He is a renowned scientist in this field.
Einzelgänger, Querdenker, Eigenbrötler
My brother is unconventional and ingenious, a real maverick.
etwas ins Leben rufen
to father sth.
He hoped to father a child who would carry on the family legacy.
Gabe, Talent
I have a knack for drawing (zeichnen) people.
Schlag, Stick, Stoss
The jab came out of nowhere, but he blocked it.
anprangern, denunzieren, verurteilen
to denounce (denounced, denounced)
His accomplice (Komplize) denounced him to the police.
Prominente, Berühmtheit, Promi
Many stars and celebrities were at the event. Some celebrities love the spotlight. The celebrity gave the fan an autograph.
geheimnisvoll, obskur
The healer’s arcane rituals confused her.
nachsinnen, sinieren, sich Gedanken machen
to muse (mused, mused)
She would often muse about her childhood memories while sitting by the old fireplace.
verblüffen, verwirren
to baffle
The girl’s brilliant response baffled the teacher. Cultural differences may baffle tourists.
zeigen, offenbaren, enthüllen, verraten
to reveal (revealed, revealed)
Her facial expression revealed what she really felt. Her expression reveals her emotions. The audit revealed multiple accounting errors. A true magician never reveals his tricks.
The priest carefully lifted the golden chalice during the sacred communion ceremony.
auf etwas anspielen, anspielen auf, etwas erwähnen
to allude to (alluded, alluded)
The journalist alluded to the actor’s latest interview.
etwas zugestehen, etwas zugeben, etwas einräumen
to concede (conceded, conceded)
I conceded my mistake to avoid trouble. I concede that I made a mistake. I have to concede that my assumption was wrong.
übereinstimmen, einer Meinung sein
to concur (concurred, concurred)
I fully concur with all points.
verlängern, strecken, ausdehnen
to elongate (elongated, elongated)
The cells elongate as they take in water.
We sat on the riverbank and had a picnic.
(MeisterI)Leistung, Kunststück, Heldentat, Spitzenleistung
feat (plural: feats)
The employee achieved astonishing feats, so he got promoted. The acrobat accomplished an incredible feat.
sich wundern
to marvel (marvelled (BE), marveled (AE))
We paused to marvel at the view.
I often marvel that humans can treat each other so badly.
“Just look at that waterfall! Isn’t it amazing?” she marvelled.
Nebel, Dunst
The mist gave the forest an almost magical atmosphere. I could only see blurred shapes in the mist. The house was barely visible through the mist.
Schwellenwert, Grenzwert
The groom carried the bride over the threshold.
The system emits a warning signal if the safe threshold is exceeded.
Schlürfen, Schlückchen
I took a sip of my cold drink.
etwas schlürfen, etwas nippen
to sip sth.
I was sipping a delicious cocktail. She stopped talking and sipped on her drink.
nüchtern, besonnen, vernünftig
I only drive when I am sober. A sober attitude is important.
nachsinnen, sich Gedanken machen
to muse (mused, mused)
I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business.
Zufriedenheit, Genugtuung, Genügsamkeit
A garden can create peace of mind and contentment.
straff, gespannt, stramm
I pulled the rope until it was taut. The rope is taut, not loose.
falten, knittern, zerknittern
to crease (creased, creased)
The seat belt has creased my blouse.
It’s a nice dress, but it creases very easily.
Hose(n), lange Hosen
a pair of trousers that are in the style of trousers worn as part of a suit, and that are considered fairly formal but not as formal as a suit:
There’s a photo of my grandma looking very smart in beige slacks and a black sweater. She was wearing navy blue slacks and a crisp white shirt.
He has donned his sky-blue coat, made for the occasion; white silk waistcoat broidered with silver, black silk breeches, white stockings, shoe-buckles of gold.
Liegeplatz, Schlafkoje, Koje
The ship remains in its berth during winter. Tired, the sailor went to his berth.
sich etwas leisten, etwas bieten, etwas gewähren
to afford
I can finally afford a better car. We can afford protection to people in need. The new law affords good investment conditions.
lauern, sich versteckt halten
to lurk (lurked, lurked)
Someone was lurking in the shadows.
Why are you lurking around in the hallway?
Nische, Aussparung, Unterbrechung
recess (pl. recesses)
Moss (Moos) was growing in a recess of the rock. Our new closet fits perfectly into the recess in the wall.
The meeting continued after a short recess.
ohrenbetäubend, lautstark, tosend
The music was deafening.
We could hear the deafening sound of the explosions as the missiles hit.
Anbeter, Verehrer, Kirchgänger
someone who goes to a religious ceremony to worship God:
At 11 a.m. on Sunday morning, worshippers began to stream out of the cathedral.
Auferstehung, Wiederbelebung
the act of bringing something that had disappeared or ended back into use or existence
All that remains is the claim that (a) the resurrection body is the same person as the earthly body.