Part 1 Flashcards
As the ancient cogwheel train clawed its way up…
krallen, kratzen, zerkratzen
to claw
The cat clawed when I tried to stroke it.
Kralle, Klaue
The cat shows its claws. Cats can retract (einziehen) their claws.
schwindlig, benommen
dizzy Adj.
The medicine made me dizzy, so I staggered back to bed. I felt a bit dizzy after the vaccination. I staggered (taumelte), dizzy from the merry-go-round. The patient was dizzy, but responsive.
schwindelerregend, verwirrend
the dizzing incline (Steigung)
Steigung, Neigung, Gefälle
After a slight incline, the path went downhill again.
vermessen, befragen, erheben, untersuchen, begutachten, inspizieren
to survey
The technicians surveyed the land before drafting the project. Political parties survey the population before elections. Before production, the company surveyed the needs of the customers. We surveyed the ship but found nothing.
zackig, gezackt, zerklüftet
the jagged mountaintop
verschmelzen, fusionieren
to fuse (fused, fused)
The two companies fused into one big corporation.
Abgrund, Steilhang
the vertical precipice
unerbittlich, unablässig, unbarmherzig, unnachgiebig
The government initiated a relentless fight against corruption.
schrumpelig, zusammengeschrumpft, dürr
the wizened skeleton
Anstieg, Welle, Überspannung
The surge in temperatures in the summer was not unexpected. The surge in demand was very beneficial for the company. The minister’s speech caused a surge of enthusiasm. An electrical surge damaged the computer.
schuldig im Sinne der Anklage
guilty as charged
Verachtung, Geringschätzung, Missachtung, Spott
The artist’s works express his disdain for money and fame.
Durchführung, Leistung, Errungenschaft
Special knowledge is needed for the accomplishment of this task. He was very proud of his accomplishment. Rule of law is one of the accomplishments of modernity.
heuchelnd, vortäuschend
He sensed the bishop was feigning ignorance in an attempt to be quaint (altmodisch).
vortäuschen, fingieren
to feign (feigned, feigned)
I feigned ignorance, but I knew exactly what was going on. The criminal feigned his death and disappeared.
Auferstehung, Wiederauferstehung
I am the same age as Christ when He performed His resurrection.
gläubig, andächtig, fromm
The preacher spoke to the devout people.
hocken, sitzen
to perch (perched, perched)
A parrot (Papagei) perched on his shoulder. Pigeons (Tauben) are often perched on statues.
Kluft, Abgrund, Schlucht
On our hike we had to cross a wide chasm.
Mischmasch, Sammelsurium, Durcheinander
The drawer (Schublade) held a hodgepodge of small items.
Pfad, Weg
A narrow pathway leads to the old church. There is a beautiful pathway along the river.