Part 1 Flashcards
Thoracolumbar Fascia
Deep investing membranes in the ____ and _____ regions of the back
Thoracolumbar fascia acts as a container for the _______ musculature in ______ and ______ regions
Thoracolumbar fascia are made up of 3 fibrous layers such as:
Thoracolumbar fascia is reinforced by _________ from 4 several muscles such as:
1.Latissimus dorsi
2.Serratus posterior inferior
3.Transversus abdominis
4.Internal oblique
Postervertebral Epaxial muscles (developed from the epimeres)
The Deep intrinsic musculature (2 groups)
1.Intertransversarii and Interspinales
2.The transverso-spinales group
Deep Intrinsic muscles: Intertransversarii
Muscle that runs from the transverse process, anterior/posterior to the intertransverse ligament
Deep Intrinsic muscles: Interspinales
Muscle that runs from the spinous process, lateral to the interspinous ligament
What is the action of the interspinales and intertransversarri muscles?
Deep intrinsic muscles: Transverso-spinales group
What are the 3 groups?
Where do they all run from?
What is the difference?
1.Semispinalis (superficial)
2.Multifidus (intermediate)
3.Rotatores (deep)
They all run from the transverse process inferiorly to the spinous process superiorly
The difference is how many vertebral segments they skip
Deep intrinsic muscles: Transverso-spinales group (Semispinalis)
Well developed in the ______region
Superficial muscle running from the _______ to the _______.
Transverse process
Spinal process
What is the action of the semispinalis muscle when the fibers go to the vertebrae only?
Bilateral-Extend vertebral column
Unilateral-Rotation contralateral side
What is the action of the semispinalis muscle when the fibers go to the skull?
Bilateral-extends head and thoracic/cervical
Unilateral-Rotates to contralateral side
Deep intrinsic muscles: Transverso-spinales group (Multifidus)
1-Well developed in the ______ spine.
2-Most caudal attachment:
3-Most cranial attachment:
4-Fibers of multifidi originate from the mammilary process in the lumbar spine.
5-Fasciculi vary in length according to depth: Superficial travel_____
deeper travel _____ distances
2-Posterior sacrum at S4
3-Spinous process of C2
4-Mammilary process
5-Further, Shorter
What is the action of the multifidus?
Action: Extension of the superior vertebrae, proprioception (perhaps contralateral rotation and/or lateral flexion), vertebral inter-segmental stabilizers