Part 1 Flashcards
A mechanical calculator that could multiply and divide directly, as well as extract square roots. It was designed by Gottfried Wilhelmvon Leibniz
Leibniz “stepped reckoner”
The first computing machine. It consists of parallel columns of beads strung on wires or rods that is crossed by a wooden bar
Invented by John Napier, a Scottish mathematician who became famous for his invention of logarithms. It consist of a set of sticks with numbers printed
Napier’s “logs”
The first mechanical calculator that could add, and subtract up to eight digits.
Pascal’s “arithmetic engine”
Who is credited as being the 1st computer programmer and worked
with Babbage and
created a program for
the Analytical Engine.
Lady Ada August Lovelace
The first programmable mechanical device that used punch card for storing information and controlling the machine. Invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard.
Jacquard’s Loom
It was built by Howard Aiken from 1939 to1944. The largest electromechanical computer ever built
The Mark I.
It was created by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
Difference Engine. It is designed to compute mathematical tables.
Analytical Engine. It incorporated the ideas of a memory and input/output for data and instructions
Babbage Engines
The first commercial mechanical computer used by US Census Bureau to tabulate data for 1890 census. It was invented by Herman Hollerith
Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine