Part 1 Flashcards
which means Health, the legendary daughter of Aesculapius, the God of Healing became Goddess of Health.
some 70 Alexandrian-era Greek books on subjects concerning medicine
Hippocratic Corpus
topics within the purview and experience of the common man
(T/F) To the Greeks, Health is a state of being in which the various forces constituting the human body were perfectly balanced.
practiced medicine under the guidance of a commentarium or a medical cookbook which contained a large range of prescriptions.
Cato the Censor
set out pharmacopeia, rules for dealing with wounds and injuries, guidance on bathing, diet, drinking, exercise and discuss diagnosis and treatment of many of the major diseases.
Cornelius Celsus
(Book) Diet, hygiene, and the benefits of exercise.
Book I
(Book) The cause of disease, its symptoms and prognosis.
Book II
(Book) Treatment of diseases, including the common cold and pneumonia
Book III
(Book) Anatomical descriptions of selected diseases.
Book IV
(Book) Medicines, including opiates, diuretics, purgatives and laxatives
Book V
(Book) Ulcers, skin lesions and diseases
Book VI
(Book) Classical operations, such as lithotomy and removal of cataracts
Book VII
(Book) Treatment of dislocations and fractures.
The Christian doctrine holds that interpersonal relationships should be regulated by law.
Middle Ages or the Dark Ages