Part 1 Flashcards
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
what are 3 heart adaptions to to extreme metabolic demands?
High Oxygen demands
larger stroke volumes
larger cardiac outputs
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
How big is the avian heart?
What factors affect this (3)?
Mass of avian hearts typically twice the size of the mammals hearts.
Varies based upon:
species, habitat
natural history
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Where specifically is the heart found?
Heart found within the cranioventral part of the coelomic cavity
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
what is the coelomic cavity?
Coelomic cavity is a single cavity with no further
partitioning by a diaphragm
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
What surrounds the heart apex?
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
How many chambers does the heart have?
what are they, where are they located in relation to each other?
4-chamber heart
* Thin-walled right ventricle which is a sickle-moon shape
around the thick-walled left ventricle
* Left ventricle is cone-shaped and extends to apex of heart
* Atrioventricular opening on left side is a tricuspid valve
* Between right atrium and ventricle is a rectangular-shaped
muscular atrioventricular valve unique to avian heart.
* Believed to support complete emptying of right
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Arteries: what is peripheral vascular resistance
The resistance in the circulatory system that is used to create blood pressure, the flow of blood and is also a component of cardiac function.
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Arteries: is peripheral vascular resistance higher or lower?
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Are arteries “stiffer” ?what does this mean?
“Stiffer” arteries (increased collagen fibers)
* Means higher blood pressure is required
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Blood Pressure:
Arterial blood pressure is a function of what?
- Arterial blood pressure is a function of
- 1) Cardiac Output (CO)
- CO = heartrate x stroke volume
- 2) Arterial impedance (afterload)
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
what is the average range of blood pressure?
why is this clinically important?
- 108-250 mm Hg (average range)
- Clinical importance?
- Consequences of this high pressure can however mean that aortic rupture, heart failure and hemorrhage are
a common cause of death in stressed avian patients.
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
What are Avian Erythrocytes? what shape are they?
- Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
- Nucleated and elliptical in shape
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
do they have functional mitochondria? why/why not?
- Functional mitochondria
- Exact role unclear and if they function similar to other somatic cells
- Hypothesis: serve as providers of electron donors, reservoir of
antioxidants, and a system for maintaining ion homeostasis - Hypothesis: contribute to thermogenesis
- Hypothesis: Provide better control of the Hb-O2 binding affinity (due
to flight demands)
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
what about nucleus and ribosomes? why/why not?
- Still unclear whether nucleus and ribosomes are fully functional in avian
erythrocytes - May have role in immune function
- Phagocytosis, antigen presentation, interleukin-like production occur
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
Are they involved in toxin metabolism and/or detoxification functions?
- Involved in toxin metabolism and detoxification functions
- Thought to be due to the endoplasmic reticulum and associated enzymes
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
what is environmental hypoxia?
How are red blood cells involved?
- Suggested to respond to environmental hypoxia (e.g. high altitude flight)
- Modulating erythrocyte concentrations of other nucleotide triphosphates (i.e. ATP produced by
the mitochondria) to adjust and fine tune Hb-O2 affinity to enhance O2 uptake and/or unloading.
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
can the avian spleen store erythocytes?
- Avian spleen are not capable of storing erythrocytes
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Avian Erythrocytes
How does Erthrocyte production and Hb synthese differ in birds? Why?
- Erythrocyte production and Hb synthesis are regulated independently in birds, whereas these are coupled in
mammals - Hematopoiesis pathway is regulated in avian erythrocytes
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
what is the adaptation used to meet oxygen demands in flight?
Separates respiration and
gas exchange functions
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Adaptations to meet oxygen
demands of flight
Mammalian v. Avian
Trachea and bronchi
3-dead space?
Mammalian v. Avian
larynx v. syrinx
1-width: narrower v wider
2-length: shorter v. longer
3-dead space: bigger v. smaller
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Adaptations to meet oxygen
demands of flight
Mammalian v. Avian
1-gas flow?
2-mode of pulmonary flow?
3-stratification of inhaled gas?
4-separation of ventilation and gas exchange functions?
Mammalian v. Avian
Larynx v. syrinx
1-reciprocating v. unidirectional
2-convection AND diffusion v. diffusion
3-yes v. no
4-no v. yes
Avian have thinner BG barrier and rigid parenchyma compared to mammal
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Adaptations to meet oxygen
demands of flight
Mammalian v. Avian
gas exchange/cross current gas exchange
Mammalian v. Avian
Larynx v. syrinx
no v. yes
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
nares- 4 features?
- Upper respiratory system
- Nares
- Located caudal to beak (except kiwi)
- Featherless cere
- Operculum acts as baffle
- Sides separate in some species (passerines)
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system comprised of 5 things:
1-incomplete hard plate
2. choana
3. choanal papillae
4. infundibular cleft
5. Glottis
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
what is the Choana?
Choana * Slit-like opening in hard
* Internal nares, opens to
nasal passages and
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
what is the choanal papillae?
Choanal papillae * Epithelial projects into
* Lost with infection, Vit A
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
what is the infundibular cleft?
Infundibular cleft * Opens to eustachian tubes
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
what is the Glottis
Glottis opens at the base of tongue
-not covered by epiglottis
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
Trachia 5 features?
clinical significance?
- Upper respiratory system
- Trachea
- Complete, signet-shaped cartilage
- Slight overlap for flexibility
- Larger diameter lumen
- Decreased resistance
- Increased length
- Increased tracheal dead space volume
- Variations
- Clinical significance?
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
Upper respiratory system
syrinx 3 features?
- Syrinx
- Vocal apparatus
- Modified tracheal cartilages form 2 membranes
- Located around tracheal bifurcation
** see slide for more info.
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Parabronchi 2 parts?
do all species have both?
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Parabronchi Paleppulmonic definition?
- Paleopulmonic.
- Main gas exchanging bronchi
- Long and lie parallel to each other
- One-way air flow, caudal to cranial
**see slide for more info
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Parabronchi neopulmonic definition?
- Neopulmonic
- Short and anastomose profusely
- Bidirectional air flow
**see slide for more info
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
clinical significance?
- Lower respiratory system
- Lungs
- Fixed position
- Minimal change with respiration
- Clinical significance: Dorsal and lateral recumbency may decrease lung volume
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Air Sacs
How many?
paired or single?
2 types, what are they called?
- Air sacs (typically 9, 8 paired, 1 single)
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Air Sacs
what are cranial?
- Air sacs (typically 9, 8 paired, 1 single)
- Cranial group: cervical, clavicular, anterior thoracic
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
lower respiratory system
Air Sac
what are caudal
- Caudal group: caudal thoracic and abdominal
**see slides for detailed info
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
- Gas exchange, blood-gas barrier
how are they the same/different than mammals?
how does the air flow?
how does the blood flow?
- Similar in structure to mammals, but thinner
- Smaller diameter of air capillaries
- More air capillaries in given space = greater gas exchange
- Unidirectional air flow in most lungs (paleopulmonic system)
- Blood flow is at 90 degrees
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
3 features of Cross-current flow?
- Cross-current flow
- Parabronchi and blood vessels at 90-degree angle
- Air in lungs continuously being exposed to different (fresh) vessels
- Decreasing oxygen tension meets unsaturated hemoglobin
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
explain two breath cycle?
- Two breath cycle
- First inhalation
- Air through trachea to caudal air sacs
- First exhalation
- From caudal air sacs into lungs
- Second inhalation
- Through lungs into cranial air sacs
- Second exhalation
- From cranial air sacs out through trachea
- Animation of air sacs and breathing:
Cardio-respiratory physiology- Avian
explain two breath cycle? with detail.
Since the air sacs are the only significant volume-compliant
structures within the body cavity, their volume also increases.
As pressure within the air sacs becomes negative relative to
ambient atmospheric pressure, air flows from the atmosphere
into the pulmonary system. As a result of inspiratory valving
(see below), during inspiration there is no or little flow in the
ventrobronchi that connect the parabronchi and the
intrapulmonary bronchus and, as a result, the inspired gas
continues caudally through the intrapulmonary bronchus. A
portion of the gas crosses the neopulmonic lung and continues
into the caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs, while an equal
portion goes to the dorsobronchi and thence across the
paleopulmonic lung (Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b).
During contraction of the expiratory muscles the internal
volume of the thoracoabdominal cavity decreases, pressure
within the air sacs increases, and gas flows out of the caudal
thoracic and abdominal air sacs, passes across the
neopulmonic lungs to the paleopulmonic lungs and thence out
the ventrobronchi and trachea to the environment (Fig. 3a and
Fig. 3b). Gas flow from the cranial air sacs does not pass back
through the parabronchi but goes to the ventrobronchi, the
trachea and thence to the environment. During expiration
there is little or no flow in the intrapulmonary bronchus as a
result of expiratory valving (see above).
why is the avian raspiratory system unique?
implication to gas exchange?
how does this impact the total gas exchange surface area?
how does this differ from mamals?
what is special about birds and a diaphram?
The avian respiratory system is unique as birds have small lungs, that have little change in volume when breathing, and air sacs, which act as bellows but do not
participate in gas exchange. This segregation of ventilation and gas exchange helps to increase the total gas exchange surface area. The bellows system allows
continuous gas flow as opposed to ‘in and out’ tidal flow of mammals. Birds have no diaphragm–instead the horizontal septum separates the lungs from the
viscera. This septum plays no active role in respiration but passively helps to displace the viscera during breathing.