Part 1 Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus
O: posterior to posterior gluteal line of ilium
I: iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity of femur
A: extends/abducts/laterally rotates thigh
N: inferior gluteal n
Gluteus Medius
O: between ant. and post. Gluteal lines of ilium
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: abducts/medially rotates thigh
N: superior gluteal n
Gluteus Minimus
O: between ant. and inf. Gluteal lines of ilium
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: abducts/medially rotates thigh
N: superior gluteal n
O: sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: laterally rotates extended thigh, abducts flexed thigh
N: ventral rami
Quadratus Femoris
O: ischial tuberosity
I: intertrochanteric crest of femur
A: laterally rotates thigh
N: n to quadratus femoris
Psoas Major
O: T12-L5 transverse processes
I: lesser trochanter
A: hip flexion
N: ventral rami L1-L3
Rectus Femoris
O: AIIS of ilium
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A: hip flexion
N: femoral nerve
Tensor Fascia Latae
O: iliac crest, ASIS of ilium
I: IT band, lateral tibial condyle
A: hip flexion
N: superior gluteal nerve
O: ASIS of ilium
I: proximal/medial tibia
A: hip flexion
N: Femoral n
Adductor Magnus
O: inferior pubic ramus and ischial tuberosity
I: linea aspera and adductor tubercle
A: hip flexion
N: obturator and tibial n
Vastus Lateralis
O: greater trochanter, lateral linea aspera of femur
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral n
Vastus Intermedius
O: anterior/lateral surface of shaft of femur
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral n
Quadratus Lumborum
O: 12th rib, transverse processes of lumbar v
I: iliac crest
A: extends and lateral flexes vertebral column
N: anterior rami of lumbar nn L1-L3
Vastus Medialis
O: intertrochanteric line, medial linea aspera of femur
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: knee extension
N: femoral n
O: body and inferior ramus of pubis
I: proximal/medial tibia
A: hip adduction
N: obturator n
Long Head Biceps Femoris
O: ischial tuberosity
I: lateral head of fibula
A: flex/lat rotate leg, extend thigh
N: tibial division of sciatic n
Short head Biceps Femoris
O: linea aspera of femur
I: lateral head of fibular
A: flex/lat rotate leg, extend thigh
N: common fib. Division of sciatic n.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: base of second and third metacarpals
A: wrist flexion and hand abduction
N: median n
Palmaris Longus
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: palmar aponeurosis; skin and fascia of palm
A: wrist flexion
N: median nerve
O: supraspinous fossa
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: abduction of the arm
N: suprascapular n
O: infraspinatous fossa
I: greater tubercle of the humerus
A: external rotation of arm
N: suprascapular n
Triceps Brachii
O: long head: infraglenoid tubercle
Long head: posterolateral humerus
Medial head: postermedial surface of the inferior ½ of the humerus
I: olecranon process
A: extends the forearm; long head extends and adducts arm
N: radial n
Teres Minor
O: upper 2/3 of the lateral border of the scapula
I: greater tubercle of the humerus
A: externally rotate shoulder
N: axillary n
O: tip of the coracoid process
I: anteromedial shaft of humerus opposite deltoid tuberosity
A: flexion and adduction of the humerus
N: musculocutaneous n
O: subscapular fossa
I: lesser tubercle of the humerus
A: medially rotates the arm; assists extension of arm
N: upper and lower subscapular nn
Biceps Brachii
O: short head: tip of coracoid process
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle
I: radial tuberosity
A: flexes the forearm, flexes arm, supinates
N: musculocutaneous nerve
O: lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
I: deltoid tuberosity
A: abduction of arm
N: axillary n
Pectoralis Major
O: clavicle and sternum
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: flex, adducts and medially rotates arm
N: medial and lateral pectoral n
Teres Major
O: dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula
I: lesser tubercle
A: adducts arm, medially rotates the arm, assists in arm extension
N: lower subscapular n
Pectoralis Minor
O: ribs 3-5
I: coracoid process of scapula
A: protracts and lowers lateral scapula
N: medial pectoral n
O: anterior surface of the lower one-half of the humerus
I: coronoid process of the ulna
A: flexes the forearm
N: musculocutaneous nerve
O: subcutaneous skin of delto-pectoral region
I: invests in the skin widely over the mandible
A: depresses mandible, tenses the skin over the lower neck
N: cervical branch of facial
O: manubrium of sternum, medial portion of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: rotates to side opposite contraction, laterally flexes to contracted side and bilaterally flexes neck
N: spinal accessory and ventral rami of C2
O: external occipital protuberance, medial side of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C1-T12
I: posterior, lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, superior spine of scapula
A: elevates/depresses scapula, upward rotation of the scapula, retracts scapula
N: spinal accessory, ventral rami of C3 and C4
serratus posterior inferior
O: spines of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae
I: ribs
A: lower ribs in expiration
N: intercostal
Lattisimus Dorsi
O: spines of T6-12, thoracolubar fascia, iliac crest
I: intertubercular groove
A: adducts, extends and medially rotates arm
N: thoracodorsal n
O: spines of T1-4
I: occipital and temporal bone, transverse processes of C2-3
A: extend neck and head
N: dorsal rami of spinal n
O: ilium and ribs
I: ribs
A: Extend trunk or vertebral column
N: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Levator Scapulae
O: transverse processes of C1-4
I: superior angle and medial border
A: elevates and adducts scapula
N: dorsal scapular
O: transverse processes of vertebrae
I: transverse processes of vertebrae
A: extend trunk and vertebral column
N: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
O: spinous processes
I: spinous processes
A: extend trunk and vertebral column
N: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Rhomboid Minor
O: spines of C7 and T1
I: medial border
A: elevates and adducts scapula
N: dorsal scapular
Rhomboid Major
O: spines of T2-5
I: medial border to inferior angle
A: elevates and adducts scapula
N: dorsal scapular
Serratus Posterior Superior
O: spines of cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae
I: ribs
A: raise ribs in inspiration
N: intercostal
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O: lateral condyle of tibia and fibula
I: phalanges of toes
A: extends, dorsiflexes and everts foot
N: deep fibular n
Tibialis Anterior
O: tibia and interosseous membrane
I: medial cuneiform and first metatarsal
A: dorsiflexes and inverts foot
N: deep fibular
O: condyles of femur
I: calcaneus
A: plantarflexion, leg flexion at knee
N: tibial n
O: head/posterior fibula, soleal line of tibia
I: calcaneus
A: plantar flexion, foot stability
N: tibial n