Part 1 Flashcards
What’s your name?
Hvad hedder du?
Where are you from?
Hvor kommer du fra?
My name is Matthias
Jeg hedder Matthias.
I come from Germany.
Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.
What about you?
Hvad med dig?
,but my father doesn’t come from France.
,men min far kommer ikke fra Frankrig.
a wife; the wife; wives
en kone; konen; koner
a house; the house; houses
et hus; huset; huse
a language; the language; languages
et sprog; sproget; sprog
a man
en mand
a city/town
en by
a minute; two minutes
et minut; to minutter
a toilet
et toilet
Approximately ⅔ of the nouns are common gender, and ⅓ of the nouns are neuter gender. There are no fixed rules to determine if a noun is common or neuter gender. But living things such as humans and animals are usually common gender with the article ‘en’.