Part 1 Flashcards
Validity of IPC
- 12 months
- Operators training and checking system
- if done within 3 months of expiry, it is valid for 12 months after expiry date.
Privileges and Limitations
- Fly IFR and Night VFR
- conduct IAP
- Single pilot IFR if done during IPC
- circling approach if tested within last 12 months
Recent Experience
To fly IFR - 3 IAP in 90 days
particular CAT - flown same CAT in 90 days
2D/3D/Azimuth/CDI - 1 in 90 days
considered to be met if done IPC in the last 3 months
Minimum Equipement List
9 Total items
- Approved GNSS
- Attitude indicator
- ASI - pitot heat
- T/S
- DG
- Compass
- Clock
Electric Lighting for Night IFR
Cockpit and cabin lighting requirement (6 items)
- Equipment illumination inc. checklists and documents
- Variable intensity
- Cabin lighting for the seatbelt, oxygen normal and emergency exits
- Independent portable light for each FCM
Anti Collision (3 items)
- 1 red beacon or
- 2 white strobe or
- a combination of these
Landing light (At least 1)
Nav lights (must be fitted when operating by night)
Speeds Definitions - VMCA
VMCA - minimum control speed air - RED RADIAL
VMCG - Minimum control speed ground
VSSE - Single engine safety speed
VYSE - Single engine best rate of climb speed - blue radial (88kts)
Speeds Definitions - VMCG
VMCA - minimum control speed air - RED RADIAL
VMCG - Minimum control speed ground
VSSE - Single engine safety speed
VYSE - Single engine best rate of climb speed - blue radial (88kts)
Speeds Definitions - VSSE
VMCA - minimum control speed air - RED RADIAL
VMCG - Minimum control speed ground
VSSE - Single engine safety speed
VYSE - Single engine best rate of climb speed - blue radial (88kts)
Speeds Definitions - VYSE
VMCA - minimum control speed air - RED RADIAL
VMCG - Minimum control speed ground
VSSE - Single engine safety speed
VYSE - Single engine best rate of climb speed - blue radial (88kts)
Comm Failure - Indications by aircraft
inflight Day - rock wings
inflight Night - flash landing lights twice
Ground Day - rock surfaces
Ground Night - flash landing lights twice
Comms Failure - Class G
- Remain in VMC and OCTA
- Transmit blind
- Remain VFR class G and land at nearest airport
- report arrival to ATS on SARTIME
Comm Failure - CTA or IFR in glass G
- Squawk 7600
- listen out on ATIS or NAVAIDS
- transmit blind
If VMC - stay in VMC and land at closest airport
If In IMC -
- proceed with latest ATC route clearance and climb to planned level
if clearance limit involves ALT
- maintain assigned level or MSA for 3 Mins (A has 3) or
- hold at location for 3 minutes
- proceed with latest shit and climb to planned level
If ATS surveillance
- climb to MSA/LSALT
- vector for 2 minutes
- proceed as normal
Comm Failure - Destination procedures
- TRK to destination in accordance to FP
- commence decent in accordance with SOP or FP
- Descend to the initial approach altitude for most suitable approach aid
- carry out an approach to minima
Comm Failure - Actions at minima
- if visual, just land
- if not visual, go to an alternate
- if no fuel, you can hold or keep trying
- Class D has certain procedures
Take off Distance Required
use landing performance chart, if unfactored, apply this factor
- 1.15 MTOW for 2T
- 1.25 MTOW for 3.5T
- between 2-3.5T use linear interpolation
Landing Distance Required
- 1.15 MTWO 2T
- 1.43 MTOW 4.5T
- between 2-4.5T linear interpolation
VMC (Class G + E + C)
- 5km Vis
- 8km Vis (above FL10)
- 1500 -
- 1000 I
VMC (Class D)
- 5km Vis
- 500ft I
- 600 M -
- 1000 ft ^
Transponder Codes
- VFR = 1200
- IFR OCTA = 2000
- IFR CTA = 3000
VHF theoretical max range
Distance = 1.23 (elevation FT + height FT )
Light Singals to aircraft (steady Green)
- flight - land
- on ground - take off
Light Signals to Aircraft (steady red)
- inflight - Give way and circle
- on ground - STOP
Light Signals to Aircraft (Flashing green)
- in flight - return for landing
- on-ground - Taxi
Light Signals to Aircraft (red flashes)
flight - airport unsafe, do not land
ground - taxi clear of landing area
Alternate - what is a suitable alternate?
Must be a suitable destination
cant require an alternate for an alternate
cant be a helideck
Alternate - Aids - IFR by Night
alternate must be planned for an IFR flight by night to an airport that is:
- not served by an instrument approach
- served by 1 or more IAP none of which the pilot is able to conduct
Alternate - AIDS - IFR flights
IFR must have an ALT if:
- below chart minima
- pilot isnt rated for any of the approaches
ALT min =
- chart minima
- day only - LSALT +500 & 8km vis
Night VFR (must have alt within one hour unless)
- radio aid (NDB/VOR) and AC is fitted with the systems OR
- approved GNSS and pilot rated for it
Alternate - AIDS - Night VFR
suitable alternate within 1 hour flight time of the destination
- the destination is served by radio nav aid and aircraft is fitted with same aid and pilot is ticked off on using it
- aircraft has approved GNSS and pilot is ticked off on that GNSS
Alternate - Clouds, Vis and wind
upto 30 mins
Cloud - < SCT below ALT min
VIS - ALT min or prob 30% fog, mist, dust etc
Wind - aircraft AFM
Alternate - Lighting
dont commit to memory, but the relevant section is in ENR 1.1 para 10
Alternate - Storm
Inter = 30
tempo = 60
fuel or alternate
Special Alternate Minima
- Dual ILS/VOR (duplicated LOC, G/P, Marker and VOR)
identified on applicable instrument approach charts by double asterisk
Altimeter Checks for IFR - with an accurate QNH set
should read within 60ft. If it has an error in excess of 75ft, must be considered US
Altimeter Checks for IFR - two altimeters
if you have 2 alt and require 2
- one must read within 60ft - if the second is between 60-75 you can fly IFR to the first point and recheck, if it's still above 60ft, its U/S