Parsons On Education Flashcards
Parsons- secondary socialisation
Developed Durkheims theory further and suggests secondary socialisation
Education acts as a bridge between home and society- need for value consensus
Particularistic to universal values (those specific to the individual)
Ascribed status to achieved status (for example meritocracy)
Should promote collectivism to individualism
How does education achieve this
- hidden or informal curriculum (hierarchy, uniform, rewards)
- norms and values of school
- assessments
- competition between students (collectivism to individualism)
How can this be applied to contemporary society
- school uniform policies
- disciplinary of policies of schools
- OFSTED- cultural capital
- social, moral, spiritual and cultural education (part of the hidden curriculum)
Marxists: hidden curriculum prepared students for exploitation- transmits values of capitalism
Post-modernists: fragmented nature of society means socialisation by various agents
Clash of working-class and middle-class values in education leads to underachievement