Parshat Lech Lecha Flashcards
What sets of parshas of the Torah share the same root in their name? (10 sets) Example: Lech Lecha and Vayelech.
The following ten sets of parshas share the same root: (1) Lech Lecha and Vayelech, (2) Vayera, Va’era and Re’eh, (3) Chayei Sarah and Vayechi, (4) Vayetze and Ki Tetzei, (5) Vayishlach, Beshalach and Shlach, (6) Bo and Ki Tavo, (7) Mishpatim and Shoftim, (8) Tetzaveh and Tzav, (9) Ki Tisa and Naso, (10) Bechukotai and Chukat.
Aside from this parsha, where else does Hashem command Avraham with the words Lech Lecha - “Go for yourself”?
When Hashem tells Avraham to sacrifice his son, He says Lech Lecha - “And go to the land of Moriah” (Genesis 22:2).
Which two people are called brothers but weren’t?
Avraham refers to Lot and himself as “brothers” (Genesis 13:8). Avraham was actually the uncle of Lot (Genesis 11:27).
Which Brit (“covenant/treaty”) was made between people, and not with Hashem?
Avraham makes a Brit with three men in Genesis 14:13.
Which body of water, found in Israel, is mentioned in this parsha?
The Dead Sea, is mentioned in conjunction with the war of the four and the five kings (Genesis 14:3).
Where is Avraham called an Ivri (“the Hebrew”)? Who is the only other person in the Torah called an Ivri?
When the refugee informs of the capture of Lot, Avraham is referred to as HaIvri (Genesis 14:13). It is the only place where he is called this. Yosef is the only other person called an Irvi, by the wife of Potiphar (Genesis 39:14), and by the butler when he informs Pharaoh of Yosef’s ability to interpret dreams (Genesis 41:12).
Which birds are mentioned in this parsha? (3 answers)
hree birds appear in the parsha: turtledove, young dove and vulture (Genesis 15:9, 11). The first two were used as part of the Brit Bein HaBetarim, and the last one came to eat the carcasses of the dead animals and birds.
Who was both a king and a Kohen (priest)? Who else in the book of Genesis is called a Kohen?
Malchei-Tzedek was both the king of Shalem and “a priest to the G-d above” (14:18). Later, Yosef marries the daughter of Poti-Phera who was the “priest of On” (Genesis 41:45).
In this parsha, in what context is the number 10 mentioned? In what context is one-tenth mentioned?
Avraham and Sarah wait 10 years in the land of Canaan before Avraham marries Hagar (Genesis 15:3). Avraham gave one-tenth of everything to Malchei-Tzedek (Genesis 14:20).
Which article of clothing appears in this parsha, but nowhere else in the Torah?
Avraham tells the king of Sodom that he will not even take a shoelace from the spoils of war (Genesis 14:23).
Aside from Avraham and Sarah, who else in the book of Genesis is given a new name? (3 answers) Who else in the Torah is given a new name?
The name of Yaakov is changed to Yisrael - both by the angel he fought (Genesis 32:29) and by Hashem (35:10). The name of Yosef is changed by Pharaoh to Tzafnat Pane’ach (Genesis 41:45). Benyamin’s original birth name was Ben-Oni, later called Benyamin (Genesis 35:18). Moshe changes the name of Hoshea Bin Nun to Yehoshua (Numbers 13:16).
What event in this parsha occurs B’etzem hayom ha’zeh - “on that very day”? What other events in the Torah occur B’etzem hayom ha’zeh? (3 answers)
Avraham gives all the members of his household a Brit Milah “on that very day” he is commanded (Genesis 17:23, 26). The same expression is used when Noach enters the Ark with his family (Genesis 7:13), when Hashem takes Jews out of Egypt (Exodus 12:17), and when Hashem tells Moshe to ascend Har Nevo to visually survey the Land of Israel before his death (Deut. 32:48 with Rashi).
What do the souls refer to in the passage: “And Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had acquired, and the souls they had acquired in Haran, and they went to go to the land of Canaan, and they came to the land of Canaan.”
Rash: souls refer to the people Abraham and Sarah brought under their wings and “converted” to monotheism.
Why does the Torah tell us how old Abram was (75) when he left Haran?
To show how Abraham was able to get up and change even at some old age.
What is the Abrahamic covenant?
1. Numerous offspring:
“Please look heavenward and count the stars, if you are able to count them…So will be your seed.”
- The land:
“I am the Lord, Who brought you forth from Ur of the Chaldees, to give you this land to inherit it.”
On that day, the Lord formed a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt until the great river, the Euphrates river.
1And Abram was ninety-nine years old, and God appeared to Abram, and He said to him, “I am the Almighty God; walk before Me and be perfect.
2And I will place My covenant between Me and between you, and I will multiply you very greatly.”
3And Abram fell upon his face, and God spoke with him, saying,
4”As for Me, behold My covenant is with you, and you shall become the father of a multitude of nations.
5And your name shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.
6And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make you into nations, and kings will emerge from you.
7And I will establish My covenant between Me and between you and between your seed after you throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant, to be to you for a God and to your seed after you.
8And I will give you and your seed after you the land of your sojournings, the entire land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, and I will be to them for a God.”
9And God said to Abraham, “And you shall keep My covenant, you and your seed after you throughout their generations.
10This is My covenant, which you shall observe between Me and between you and between your seed after you, that every male among you be circumcised.
11And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be as the sign of a covenant between Me and between you.
What is the Covenant of the Pieces?
Before Abraham’s descendants will inherit the land, HaShem said:
“You shall surely know that your seed will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and they will enslave them and oppress them, for four hundred years.
And also the nation that they will serve will I judge, and afterwards they will go forth with great possessions.
But you will come to your forefathers in peace; you will be buried in a good old age.
And the fourth generation will return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites will not be complete until then.”
Why were the birds not split? And what is the reason there are two birds?
Birds represent two types of Jews: the outwardly observant and the beginners who are inwardly passionate.
Besides the famine during Abraham/Sarah’s time, what two other times do these events occur?
- Issac and Rebecca: there was a famine, but HaShem tells Issac to stay and not go to Egypt. He faces Abimelech, king of the Philistines.
- Joseph taking Jacob and the family down to Egypt because of the famine.
What plagues did HaShem send to Pharoah?
Plagues that closed all the body orifices, such as making intercourse harmful.
What was the quarrel between Abram’s herdsman and Lot’s herdsman about?
Lot’s herdsman teased Abram’s herdsman saying the land was given to Abram, who has no heir, so Lot will inherit everything, therefore their robbery was justified.
What evil things did the people of Sodom do?
Midrash: they were inverting good and bad:
e.g. when a visitor came that was tall, they would cut off his legs.
They also had “daylife” hobby watching the poor and down trough people suffer, and it was forbidden to help them.
Who was Amraphel?
Nimrod, who threw Abram into the fiery furnance.
According to the Sages, who was Abraham’s 318 fighting men?
Eliezer alone, because 318 is the numerical value of his name.
What is the “Shield of Abraham” referring to?
After this miracle had been wrought for Abraham, that he slew the kings, he was worried and said, “Perhaps I have received reward for all my righteous deeds.”
Therefore, HaShem said to him, “Fear not Abram, I am your Shield” from punishment, that you will not be punished for all those souls that you have slain, and as far as your being worried about receiving reward, your reward is exceedingly great.