Parole Flashcards
What is the Latin word for ‘ancella’?
ancilla, -ae: ancella
What does ‘copiae, -arum’ refer to?
copiae, -arum (plur.): truppe
What is the Latin word for ‘dea’?
dea, -ae: dea
What is the Latin word for ‘allieva’?
discipula, -ae: allieva
What is the Latin word for ‘padrona’?
domina, -ae: padrona
What is the Latin word for ‘figlia’?
filia, -ae: figlia
What is the Latin word for ‘fanciulla’?
puella, -ae: fanciulla
What is the Latin word for ‘schiava, serva’?
serva, -ae: schiava, serva
What is the Latin word for ‘acqua’?
aqua, -ae: acqua (sing.); acque, terme (plur.)
What is the Latin word for ‘ara’?
ara, -ae: ara, altare
What is the Latin word for ‘cofanetto’?
arca, -ae: cofanetto
What is the Latin word for ‘bracciale’?
armilla, -ae: bracciale
What is the Latin word for ‘corona’?
corona, -ae: corona
What does ‘divitiae, -arum’ refer to?
divitiae, -arum (plur.): ricchezze
What is the Latin word for ‘felice, fortunata’?
beata: felice, fortunata
What is the Latin word for ‘bianca, candida’?
candida: bianca, candida
What is the Latin word for ‘famosa, chiara’?
clara: famosa, chiara
What is the Latin word for ‘feroce’?
fera: feroce
What is the Latin word for ‘gradita’?
grata: gradita
What is the Latin word for ‘sgradita’?
ingrata: sgradita
What is the Latin word for ‘lieta’?
laeta: lieta
What is the Latin word for ‘isola’?
insula, -ae: isola
What is the Latin word for ‘lettera (dell’alfabeto)’?
littera, -ae: lettera (dell’alfabeto) (sing.); lettera (= epistola, missiva), cultura, letteratura (plur.)
What is the Latin word for ‘natura’?
natura, -ae: natura