parliamentary reform 1851-85 Flashcards
reasons for 1867 reform act
rise in sol & pop changes increased demands for reform
-skilled w/c-began saving money in friendly societies or post office savings & were more responsible.
-constituency sizes-uneven-urbanisation meant ppl were underrepresented in cities/towns.
-liberal m/c-vested interest in securing an increase in the no. of seats in these areas to extend political influence.
radical pressure for reform
-Mp-John Bright toured the country encouraging ordinary men to demand their democratic rights
-he put forward a convincing argument to extend the franchise to skilled workers.
-political writings-Mill-influential in raising interest in political debates surrounding extension of franchise.
growth of interest in democratic ideal
-american civil war & Italian unification movement-seen as struggles for freedom & democracy & created interest in reform.
-Giribaldi (hero of Italian unification) came to London-1864 -crowds listened to hear him speak, when authorities clamped down on his public meetings-angry protests & in Feb-reform league was set up.
reform league-w/c & strong TU support, aimed to work towards democracy through uni male suffrage & a programme of radical reform
-local branches in manufacturing towns
-reform league -more active & successful than reform union.
-leading TU men in london trades council met in 1866 & started to organise a campaign for reform.
-reform union created in April 1864-m/c called for secret ballot & redistribution of seats to correct imbalance caused by changes & movement in the pop.
-Bright encouraged both groups to work together but due to class divide-tensions.