Parliamentary Procedures Flashcards
In a democratic society, the rules ensure
freedom and respect for all
What does the HOD do
Formally deliberates policy
Power to charge board to carry out activity on behalf of the association
Approves the goals of the association that drives all member services and initiatives
A deliberative assembly operates how
according to bylaws which can only be revised by giving “notice” and by a 2/3 vote of the body
A deliberative assembly must follow
Special rules of order, rules of order, and the parliamentary authority
The parliamentary authority - the most commonly used parliamentary authority is what
Robert’s rules of order (newly revised) 11th edition, 2011 (RONR XI)
All APTA components use that rules
What is a main motion
Introduces business “I move that…”
Must be seconded
Should not be ambiguous
Amendments allow what
Allow you the change ideas and improve upon the motion
Debatable motions
Postpone definitely Refer or commit Amend Postpone indefinitely Main motion
Debatable motions - postpone definitely
Allows you to take up the motion later (like after recess)
Debatable motions - Refer or commit
Refer an issue to a smaller group such as a committee - giving it to a smaller group to discuss further
Debatable motions - Postpone indefinitely
Kill a motion
Debatable motions - main motion
Get your motion on the floor
Main motions at mock house - called what
RCs - Reference committee assigns a specific number to each main motion that will be brought to the HOD
Main motions at mock house - RCs - order of the main motions or RCs is determined by what
The type of motion and subject Bylaws Standing Rules Vision/Mission Motions not heard in previous year Amend something previously adopted New motions Courtesy