Parliamentary Procedure Flashcards
What is the purpose of presenting a motion?
The purpose of presenting a motion is to bring an item of business before the chapter for consideration and action.
Does a main motion require a second? A majority vote?
A main motion requires a second and a majority vote.
Is a main motion debatable? Amendable?
A main motion is always debatable and amendable.
What is the proper terminology to use in stating a main motion?
The proper terminology to use in stating a main motion is “I move that…”
What is the purpose of the motion to lay on the table?
The purpose of the motion to lay on the table is to temporarily delay action on an item of business.
What is the purpose of an amendment?
The purpose of an amendment is to modify the motion that is under consideration.
In what ways may a motion be amended?
A motion may be amended by striking out words, inserting or adding words, or striking out and inserting words.
What is the proper terminology to use in stating an amendment?
The proper terminology to use in stating an amendment is: I move to amend the main motion by…. Or, I move to amend the amendment by…
Does an amendment require a second? Majority Vote?
An amendment requires a second and a majority vote.
What is the purpose of a point of order?
The purpose of a point of order is to enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure.
Does a point of order require a second? A Vote?
A point of order does not require a second. A point of order does not require a vote, unless it is referred to the chapter for a decision.
What is the purpose of the motion to adjourn?
The purpose of the motion to adjourn is to terminate (close) the meeting.
What is the purpose of calling for orders of the day?
The purpose of calling for orders of the day is to demand that the chapter conform to its order of business or program
Who may call committee meetings?
Committee meetings may be called by the chair of the committee or by any two of its members.
How do parliamentary rules differ in small committee meetings from those in regular chapter meetings?
a. It is necessary for a member to rise and address the
chair prior to presenting a motion or speaking.
b. The chair does not rise to put the question or leave the
chair to speak or present motions.
c. It is not necessary to second motions.
Reconsideration can be made only on motions that have been…
what is a first-degree amendment
It amends the original motion
what is a second amendment
it amends an amendment
what type of vote is necessary for an amendment to pass
majority vote