Parliamentary Flashcards
Description: break off and resume it later 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: no
Fix a time to which to adjourn
Description: fix a set time to adjourn 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: yes Vote: majority
Description: period of time when members do not meet 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: yes Vote: majority
Raise a question of privilege
Description: a request related to the rights and privileges of the assembly or any of its members to be brought up. 2nd:no Debatable: no Amendable: yes Vote: depends on chairmen
Call for the orders of the day
Description: is a motion to require a deliberative assembly to conform to its agenda or order of business. 2nd:no Debatable: no Amendable: yes Vote: 2/3
Lay on the table
Description: –To defer action on the motion until later in the meeting or until the next meeting 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: majority
Call for previous question
Description: –To force an immediate vote on the motion 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: 2/3
Limit/extend debate
Description: To Limit or Lengthen the time allowed for discussion on a motion when it is clear that there will be an excessive amount of discussion or when the amount of time for the meeting is limited
Debatable: yes
Amendable: Amount of time or number of speakers only
Vote: 2/3 majority vote
Postpone definitely
Description: Allow for the motion on the floor to be deferred to a different day, meeting, or until after a certain event 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: yes Vote: majority
Refer to a committee
Description: –Used to send a small group so the question may be carefully investigated 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: yes Vote: majority
Description: –Used to modify a main motion 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: yes Vote: majority
Postpone Indefinitely
Description: to kill a main motion 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: no Vote: majority
Object from consideration of question
Description: Used when a member thinks that the activity or action of the group is not appropriate 2nd:no Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: 2/3
Appeal from the Decision of the chair
Description: 2nd: Debatable: Amendable: Vote:
Rise to a point of order
Description: 2nd: Debatable: Amendable: Vote:
Rise to parliamentary inquiry
Description: 2nd: Debatable: Amendable: Vote:
Call for division of the house
Description: –When called, this forces an immediate revote by hand 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: no
Withdraw a motion
Description: This motion allows for the maker of a motion to change a motion or completely take it off the floor for discussion 2nd:no Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: no
Suspend the rules
Description: –Allows the chapter to break the rules of parliamentary procedure, or the current constitution for a short period of time. 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: 2/3
Description: –Reevaluate a decision that was made earlier 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: no Vote: majority
Description: Repeal a previous action 2nd:yes Debatable: yes Amendable: yes Vote: 2/3 majority vote
To take from the table
Description: –To take a motion that is on the table off the table 2nd:yes Debatable: no Amendable: no Vote: majority