Parli. Pro. Questions pt2 Flashcards
Is the motion to refer to a committee debatable and amendable?
The motion to refer is debatable and amendable.
Is the previous question debatable and amendable?
The previous question is undebatable and unamendable.
When does a vote go into effect?
A vote goes into effect following the announcement of the results of the voting.
What is the purpose of an amendment?
The purpose of an amendment is to modify the motion that is under consideration.
When may an amendment be offered to a motion?
A member may offer an amendment to an amendable motion after the chair states the question and recognizes the member.
What qualifications should one have to be on a chapter conducting team?
Members selected to be on a chapter conducting team should possess the following qualifications:
1. Willingness to work
2. Ability to learn parliamentary procedure
3. Team Spirit
4. Well-Developed voice
5. Calmness and self-confidence
6. Neat appearance
Is a main motion debatable and amendable?
A main motion is always debatable and amendable.
Describe the characteristics that make up an ideal Presiding officer.
An ideal presiding officer possesses the following characteristics:
1.Willingness to work
2. Ability to learn Parliamentary Procedure
3. Team Spirit
4. Well-developed voice
5. Calmness and self-confidence
6. Neat appearance
7. Fair and impartial judgment
8. Skill in leading people
Does an appeal require a second?
An appeal requires a second.
What is the proper terminology to use when putting the question?
The proper terminology to use when putting the question, or taking the vote is:
“Those supporting the motion that….say aye. Those opposed say no.”
“Those in favor of the motion that…raise your hand. Those opposed raise your hand.”
Is the motion to lay on the table debatable and amendable?
The motion to lay on the table is undebatable and unamendable.
What steps must be completed to present a motion?
The following steps must be completed to present a motion:
1. Rising and addressing the president
2. Recognition by the president
3. Presenting the motion
4. seconding the motion
5. statement of the question
Does an amendment require a second and a vote?
An amendment requires a second and a majority vote.
Is the motion to amend debatable and amendable?
The motion to amend is debatable when the motion to which it applies is debatable; only an amendment of the first rank is amendable.
When a motion is referred to a committee, what happens to amendments that are pending to the motion?
When a motion is referred to a committee, amendments that are pending to the main motion are also referred.
What happens to a pending amendment if the main motion is tabled?
When a main motion is tabled, all amendments and other motions belonging to it are also tabled.
Does the motion to lay on the table require a second?
The motion to lay on the table requires a second.
What is the correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee.
The correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee is:
“I move that we refer the motion that…to a committee.”
“…to a committee consisting of…”
“…to the standing committee on…”
Is a point of order debatable and amendable?
A point of order is undebatable and unamendable.
What action should take place after the announcement of the results of the vote?
A tap of the gavel should follow the announcement of the result of the vote.
What happens if the vote on an appeal results in a tie?
If the vote on an appeal results in a tie, the chair is sustained.
What is the purpose of the previous question?
The purpose of the previous question is to terminate discussion on the main motion or motions before the chapter and to secure an immediate vote.
Does the motion to refer to a committee require a second?
The motion to refer requires a second.
What is the purpose of rising to a point of order?
The purpose of rising to a point of order is to enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure.
What is the proper terminology to use in stating an amendment?
The proper terminology to use in stating an amendment is:
“I move to amend the main motion by…”
“I move to amend the amendment by…”
In what ways may a motion be amended?
An amendment may be made by striking out words, inserting or adding words, or by striking and inserting words.
What is the purpose of suspending the standing rules?
The purpose of suspending the standing rules is to permit the chapter to to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules.
What is the proper terminology to use when stating a main motion?
The proper terminology to use when stating a main motion is: “I move….”
What happens to a motion if the vote results in tie?
A tie vote means the motion is lost, assuming the motion requires a majority vote.
Does an appeal require members to gain recognition before speaking?
An appeal does not require members to gain recognition before speaking.
What is the purpose of referring a motion to a committee?
The purpose of referring a motion to a committee is to place the question temporarily in a committee.
What is the purpose of an appeal?
The purpose of an appeal is to obtain a decision from the chapter to a question on which the presiding officer has made a decision.
Is an appeal debatable and amendable?
An appeal is debatable except in cases where it relates to improper conduct, priority of business, or deviation from the rules of speaking. An appeal is unamendable.
What is the purpose of a main motion?
The purpose of a main motion is to present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter.