Parkinsons Disease - OB Flashcards
Efficient drug treatment is available for what 3 movement disorder ??
- Parkinson’s disease
- Essential tremor
- Dystonia
Age related prevalence increases with
What is referred as a “Hardware problem”m
PD and HD
What is referred as a software problem ??
- Essential tremor
- Dystonia
- Tourette
What are the three cardinal features of symptoms in PD ??
- Brady/Akinesia
- Tremor
- Rigidity
– Problems with doing up buttons, keyboard etc
– Writing smaller
– Walking deteriorated: Small stepped, dragging one foot etc
– At rest
– May be unilateral
– Pain- dull ache can be associated
– Problems with turning in bed
Classic symptoms/Presentation
• Small stepped gait with:
– stooped posture, reduced armswing, L > R
• Increased tone = rigidity
– Tone increased over entire radius of joint movement
• Rest tremor
– Often asymmetrical, also some postural tremor
• Decreasing amplitude/accuracy of repetitive movements
– Much better at the beginning, gradual worsening
What happens when tests are repeated ??
symptoms worsen
PD pathology
Lewy body
Substantia Nigra
The reduced dopamine supply to the striatum
can be made visible in living patients.
More dopaminergic there is the brighter the signal
What type of progression is PD ?/
Slow progression and doesnt change its nature over night
Is PD curable ?
How do you treat PD?
Compensate for loss of dopamine
L- dopa oldest but best drug
Dopamine agonists
second class of drugs act direct and post synaptice dopamine receptors MAOis Increase dopamine Reduce break down
When should treatment start?
• Nobody knows
• Factors to take into consideration when looking at treatment ??
o Severity of motor impairment/QoL o Side effects o Myths o L-Dopa - phobia o Neuroprotection???
Motor complications of late stage PD
wearing off/ On and off Dyskinesias and Freezing