Parkinson's Disease Management Flashcards
What is first line treatment if motor symptoms are affecting patients QOL
What are first line treatments if motor symptoms are not affecting QOL
Dopamine agonist
MAO-B inhibitors
When should treatment be started? Why
Later on if possible or when PD seriously interferes with life
Efficacy of levodopa reduces with time requiring larger and more frequent dosing with worsening SE and response fluctuations.
What is Levopdopa? How is it given? ADRs?
Dopamine precursor
Given with dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor in co-careldopa to prevent peripheral metabolism of levodopa to dopamine
ADRs: dyskinesias (involuntary writhing movement), painful dystonia, psychosis, visual hallucinations, NV (give domperidone), on-off effect (fluctuation), dry mouth
No use in neuroleptic induced parkinsonism
Dopamina agonist
Bromocriptine, cabergoline, ropinirole, pramipexole, apomorphine
Can be used to delay starting levodopa or allow for lower doses of levodopa
Ergot derived dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, cabergoline) are associated with pulmonary, retroperitoneal and cardiac fibrosis
Drowsiness - excessive daytime somnolence
Impulse control disorders (gambling, hyper sexuality)
What must be done prior to treatment with bromocriptine
Ergot derived dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, cabergoline) are associated with pulmonary, retroperitoneal and cardiac fibrosis
Do echo, ESR, creatinine and CXR prior to treatment and monitor closely
What is amantadine? What is it used for?
NMDA receptor antagonist - blocks dopamine reuptake
The specific symptoms targeted by amatadine therapy are dyskinesia and rigidity
What is apomorphine?
Potent dopamine agonist used with continuous SC infusion to even out end-of dose affects or as rescue for sudden ‘off’ freezing in levodopa
What are MAO-B inhibitors, example? Function? ADRs?
Selagiline, rasagiline
Alternative to dopamine agonist in early PD
Inhibits breakdown of dopamine secreted by dopaminergic neurones
SE: postural hypotension, AF
COMT inhibitor examples? Function?
Entacapone, tolcapone
May help motor complications in late disease
Lessen the ‘off’ time in those with end-of-dose wearing off.
COMT is an enzyme involved in the breakdown of dopamine
Used in conjunction with levodopa
Tolcapone may cause hepatic complications
Antimuscarinics examples, use, side effects
Procycllidine, benzhexol, orphenadrine, benzotropine
Used to treat drug induced parkinsonism rather than IPD
Help tremor and rigidity
Limit to young patients
Multiple side effects
Dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation
Why must you be careful on withdrawing medication in PD
Risk of acute akinesia or neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Also if drug is not absorbed due to gastroenteritis or not taken - advise patients
What can be used if there is orthostatic hypotension?
Acts on peripheral alpha receptors to increase arterial resitance
What is Wilson’s disease?
Autosomal recessive disorder of copper excretion with excess deposition in liver and CNS - basal ganglia
Liver disease, parkinsonism, depression, reduced cognition, kayser-fleischer rings - copper in iris
Test: urine 24h copper excretion is high
Diet: avoid foods with high copper, liver, chocolate, nuts, mushrooms Check water sources Lifelong penicillamine Monitor Liver transplant if severe liver disease