Paris Anthology: GAP&Ms Flashcards
Stories are waiting in Paris
G - video, social
A - over 18+, male perspective, English
P - persuade and promote Paris as a tourist destination
M - middle to lower class, visual, audio + scripted
Paris: Fine French Food
G - spoken and visual advertisement
A - for people 18+ who are interested in food
P - describe, inform and persuade people to go to Paris
M - written + spoken mode, direct + scripted
Eating in Paris
G - spoken conversation, transcript - 2 Brit, 1 French
A - primary audience is people in the conversation - no other audience
P - entertain and describe their experience
M - spontaneous, indirect
Mile by Mile London to Paris
G - extract from book
A - adults from an older generation (history, railways)
P - to inform and describe
M - planned + direct, written
Paris City Guide
G - video + visual
A - older, middle - upper class + interested in history
P - relates to us so unbiased view, less connection, magical beauty and shots of city
M - prescription + spoken
The Sweet Life in Paris
G - extract from a book (social)
A - Parisians + tourists
P - entertain and describe
M - written mode, planned, direct, first hand experience
18 months later/ encore une fois
G - written blog
A - American tourists - secondary purpose - other tourists
P - entertain + describe
M - planned + written
Not for Parents
G - extract from text book (social + tourism)
A - children 7+
P - entertain, intrigue + inform
M - written mode (with use of spoken), planned, informal
Travelling to Paris with a Grandchild
G - forum (social + tourism)
A - anyone interested in Paris with grandchildren
P - review and advise
M - written mode, spontaneous with some planned, indirect to reader
Ten things my children miss most
G - blog (tourism + leisure)
A - American parents/ tourists with families
P - entertain, secondary - influence families to visit Paris
M - written blog, unscripted, direct ( rhetorical Q)
What do you wish someone had told you
G - online forum (social + tourism)
A - anyone who is interested in visiting Paris
P - review and advise people about Paris
M - written mode, spontaneous with elements of planned, indirect
Paris for Children
G - tourist guide (tourism)
A - parents and guardians (travelling with kids)
P - explain, inform and persuade - travel guide highlighting all of the activities/ places that would appeal to children
M - written mode, planned, direct
Memories of Places in Paris
G - account/ transcript (social)
A - writers friend
P - describe experiences (young female perspective)
M - spoken mode, indirect, planned but unscripted
French Milk
G - photographic and comic journal (social + tourism)
A - Americans - younger generation/ predominantly female or like comics
P - entertain + describe
M - visual and written mode, planned, graphology
Understanding Chic
G - extract from book (social)
A - young adults - (brit + us) into fashion
P - inform, entertain + describe
M - written mode, indirect
Breathless: An American in Paris
G - extract from autobiography
A - young adults - predominantly female - us or tourists
P - entertain, describe and reflect her experiences
G - written mode (with some elements of spoken), planned and direct
On Paris
G - newspaper articles
A - Americans who read newspapers
P - review and describe Paris
G - written mode, planned and direct
The most beautiful walk
G - extract of a book (tourism)
A - anyone interested in visiting Paris - specifically walkers
P - describe. Experience and entertain - secondary - influence walkers to go
M - written mode, direct, planned, elements of spoken, conversational
Neither here nor there
G - travel writing (tourism)
A - likely tourists of Paris (predominantly older and British)
P - entertain, describe experience
M - written mode but takes on aspects of spoken mode such as casual language and direct speech, planned