Paricarditis Vs Endocarditis Flashcards
Pericarditis Pathology
Inflammation of the pericardium. A thorough history is essential to making an accurate diagnosis
Pericarditis Causes/Incidence
**Viruses: most common cause Post myocardial infarction Renal failure Neoplastic, tuberculosis, septicemia Endocarditis Collagen diseases Drug/trauma induced Viral infection Idiopathic
Pericarditis Signs/Symptoms
Very localized retrosternal precordial chest pain, pleuritic and nature
Pain increased by deep inspiration, coughing, swallowing or recumbent
Pain relieved by sitting forward
Shortness of breath secondary to pain with inspiration
Pericarditis Physical Findings
Pericardial friction rub characteristically present
Pleural friction rub maybe also present
Fever may be present depending on underlying cause
Pericarditis Lab/Diagnostics
**ST segment elevation in all leads
**depression of PR segment highly indicated of pericarditis
Return of ST segment to normal in a few days followed by temporary T-wave inversion
ESR elevation
Blood cultures of bacterial cause suspected
CBC to rule out infection
Echocardiogram to confirm presence of pericardial fluid or other abnormalities
Baseline BMP
Pericarditis management
NSAIDs are mainstay of treatment
Ibuprofen 400 to 600 mg every 6–8 hours
Indomethacin 25–50 mg every eight hours for two weeks
Corticosteroids are indicated only when there is total failure of high-dose NSAIDs over several weeks and with relapsing pericarditis. Can increase viral replication
When indicated dexamethasone 4 mg IV may relieve pain in a few hours; prednisone 60 mg daily then tapered
Antibiotics in case of bacterial infection
Codeine 15–60 mgPOQ ID for pain
Monitor for tamponade

Endocarditis Pathology
Infection of the endothelial surface of the heart. Usually affects the valves.**A diagnosis of infective endocarditis must be considered and excluded and all patients with a heart murmur and fever of unknown origin
Endocarditis Causes/Incidence
**Usually caused by bacteria
Known valvular disease especially in rheumatic, bicuspid aortic valve/mitral valve prolapse, with significant regurgitation
Recent dental/oropharyngeal surgery
Genitourinary instrumentation, surgery of the respiratory tract
Congenital heart disease
Prolonged use of IV catheters or total paren teal nutrition
Patience with burns
Endocarditis Signs/Symptoms
Fever in Malays
Night sweats and weight loss
General sick feeling
Night Sweats cause
Endocarditis TB Menopause HIV aids Hem/onc
Endocarditis Physical Findings
Murmur often present but may be absent and up to 30% of patients especially those with right sided endocarditis
Medium to high fever
Osler’s nodes
Splinter hemorrhages
Splenomegaly observed and 50% of patients
Janeway lesions
Roth spots
Osler’s nodes
Painful red nodules in the distal phalanges
Splinter hemorrhages
Linear sub ungual splintering appearing
Jane way lesions
Rarely observed, small and not painful macules on the palms and soles
Roth Spots
Small retinal infarcts, white in color, encircled by area of hemorrhage
Endocarditis Lab/Diagnostics
WBC maybe normal or elevated, but there is always a left shift with bands
Echocardiogram with valvular damage
Blood cultures for causative organism
ESR virtually always elevated
Endocarditis Management
For suspected cases of sub acute endocarditis, empiric therapy is generally not starting until blood cultures result identify the pathogen
Acute endocarditis usually due to staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, and enterococcus, empiric therapy; vancomycin until culture results are available