Pareto principle Flashcards
what is definition of pareto principle?
Specifices that 80 % of consequences come from 20 % of the causes
it is an emirical law originating from an observation
what is the advantges of the pareto chart?
it helsp to identify the vitall fes such as improvement, productivity, efficiency, cost effectiveness, time managment and revenue
what is a pareto chart
is a graph that indicates the frequency of defects, as well as their cumulative impact
what are they used for?
useful to find defects to prioritize in order to observe the greates overall improvement
what is a magic project management triangle
it a model that hepls you demonstrate the interdependencises of the 3 constraints quality (scope), time and costs. Changes in ine constriant necessarily imply changes in t he others to compensate
what is the scope of the triangle?
means all the aimed outputs to be delivered by the project, during the porject’s life time
what is the pre-mortem?
it is a hypothetical managerial strategy assuming the project failed determines potential faliure causes
how us the pre-mortem conducted?
- briefing and announcing the project failure
- every project member lists potential failures and presents them
- project manager reviews the list of potnetial failures
- focus on the major potential failures
Advantages of the pre-mortem?
Disrupts biasing grop dynamics
analysis of magnitude and liklihood of threats
precentive actions to protect project from suffering an untimely death
disadvantages of the pre-mortem?
high effort to consider every hypothetical failure
creates an atmosphere of faliure within the project team
what is the use of the delphi technique
it is used to estimate the likelihood and outcome of future events, a quick way to reach consensus and making decisions
how does the delphi technique works?
questions are being send to the experts, which are the member of a panel. the questions are answered anonymously and sent back the the responsible person.
reaching agreement on an issue
what is delphi technique used?
when there are more experts involved and they all have conflicting views
when your expert are spred out geographically and its difficult to get them togetehr to discuss the best strategy
Precedence digramming method
is a graphical representation technique. it shows the inter-dependencies of activites (know how to draw the disgram)
Finish to start (F-S)
one activity is independen (F) and the other is dependen (S)
comment type of relationship in a project
Finish to finish
Activity A–> Activity B
B always depends on A.
the activity of A ha sto finish for B to finish aswell
Start to start relationship
Activity B can’t start before Activity A
Start to finish
Activity B can’t finish before Activity A starts
what does a poject manger does?
there are responsible for the planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and completion of projects
what is a SMART?
an menemonic acronym that establishes criteria for ideal goals and objectives in a project
SMART stands for?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relvant and Time-Related
Ask the five W’s Whos, what, why where and which
be bale to trach your progress
Make your goal ambitious, but not outrageous