Parcial 3 Flashcards
What is an interface?
Is where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact.
Gives you fast and easy access to the tools you use most often in any given Excel session.
Quick Access Toolbar
Define ribbon:
Contains all of the commands you will need in order to perform common tasks.
What are tabs?
Are related to specific kinds of tasks that users perform in Excel.
When do the contextual tabs appear? Name examples:
They appear when you work with certain elements:
- Charts
- Pivot tables
- Shapes
What are the groups?
Commands which are organized into related tasks called Command Groups.
Some Groups have an arrow in their lower-right corner; this is called a:
Dialog Box Launcher
What is a command?
Is a specific order from you to Excel.
What is the function of the name box?
It tells you the location or the name of a seleced cell.
Function of the formula bar:
You can enter or edit data, a formula, or a function that will appear in a specific cell.
What is a column?
Is a group of cells that runs from the top of the page to the bottom.
They are identified by letters:
What is a row?
Is a group of cells that runs from the left of the page to the right.
They are identified by numbers:
What is a cell?
Is the intersection point of a vertical column and a horizontal row, in which you enter data.
The current cell you are working on is the:
Active cell
Each _______ begins with a letter to indicate the column, followed by a number to indicate the row.
Cell adress
What is a range? Name examples:
Is a group of two or more continuous cells.
- A1:A18
- B5:D7
- AS2: B23