parasocial relationships Flashcards
parasocial relations
one sided unreciprocated relationship where an indivdual spends a lot of energy on another person
- entertainment social
- celebs are a soruce of entertainement and gossip
- intense personal
obsessive thoughts and intense feelings begin to arise
3.border line pathological
over identification with the celeb gives rise to uncontrollable fantasies
absorption addiction model
absorption - individual becomes preoccupied with the celeb and identifies with them
addiction - individual increases their dose of involvement with the celeb in order to gain satisfactin - can lead to extreeme and delusinal behaviour
attachment theory
insecure resistant - more liely to form psr
- afraid of criticism and rejection
- translates into clingy and jealus behaviours making it diffciult to commit
real world app - maltby
- measured relationship between celeb worship and body image in teens
found yng girls at the intense p level tends to have poorer body image
extraverts - 1
neurotics - 2
psychotics - 3
- suggests that researchs is used to improve understanding of disorders
- cause and effect cant be established - lowers valdity
self report methods
- social desriabilitu bias
lowers internal valdity
nomothetic approach
- attempts to establish universal principles so it misses out on deep insight into the reasons for behaviour ( idiographic)
schmid and klimmit - culture
- studied psr with characteristics from harry p in different cultures and found that similar levels in germany and mexico