Parasitology Quiz Flashcards
Plasmodium vivax
Vector - Anopheles mosquito
Intermediate host - human
Attack younger RBCs
Periodicity - 48 hrs
Blood Smear - enlarged RBCs Trophozoite - ameboid/Vaculated Gametocyte round/pigmented
Plasmodium Ovale
Vector - Anopheles mosquito
Intermediate host - human
Attack younger RBCs
Periodicity - 48 hours
Blood Smear - RBCs enlarged/Fimbriated/spiky [infects duffy group]
Trophozoite - compact
Gametocyte - elongated/ovoid
Plasmodium falciparum
Vector - Anopheles mosquito
Intermediate host - human
Attack all types of RBCs
Periodicity - 36-48 hrs
Blood smear - RBCs normal
Trophozoite -Ring forms
Gametocyte - banana shape
Laveran’s bib
Plasmodium malariae
Vector - Anopheles mosquito
Intermediate host - human
Attack older RBCs
Periodicity - 72 hours
Blood smear - RBC normal
Trophozoite - band/dark pigment
Gametocyte - band
rossette pattern
Malaria Misc.
Sporogony sexual reproduction mosquito
Schizogony asexual human
Sporozoites (infective) blood stream - merozoites progeny
Trophozoites ring stage infected RBCs
Disease vector: Ixodes dammini (tick)
Causative agents: Babesia microti (parasite of rodents) Babesia gibsoni (parasite of canines) Babesia bovis (parasite of cattle)
Giemsa-stained blood smear
tetrads or maltese cross in RBCs, no stippling or pigment observed in RBCs
Leishmania donovani
visceral leishmaniasis
[Kala-Azar (black fever) or dum dum fever]
Vector: Phlebotomus sandfly
Promastigotes infective
Giemsa-stained blood, bone marrow, tissue biopsy
Amastigote stage diagnostic
Reticuloendothelial cells infected
Leishmania tropica
cutaneous leishmaniasis
[Old world leishmaniasis, oriental sore, baghdad or delhi boil]
Vector: Phlebotomus sandfly
Promastigotes infective
Skin lymphoid tissue infected
Giemsa-stained fluid underneath ulcer bed
Amastigotes within monocytes diagnostic
Leishmania braziliensis
mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
[American leishmaniasis
Vector: Lutzomyia & Psychodopygus sandfly
Reticuloendothelial system infected
Giemsa-stained biopsy of ulcer
Amastigote form diagnostic
Culture of infected material for promastigotes
Trypanosoma gambiense
Vector: Glossina tsetse fly
[west african sleeping sickness]
trypomastigotes infective stage
lymphatic system and CNS infected
Giemsa-stained blood, lymph node aspirate, CSF
Trypomastigote stage diagnostic
Trypanosoma rhodesiense
Vector: Glossina tsetse fly
[East African sleeping sickness]
Trypomastigotes infective
Lymphatic system and CNS infected
Giemsa-stained blood, lymph node aspirate, CSF
Trypomastigote stage diagnostic
Trypanosoma cruzi
Vector: Reduviid bug (kissing or triatomid bug)
[Chagas disease]
Trypomastigotes passed in bug’s feces
Multiple tissues infected (heart, brain, liver, eye)
Giemsa-stained blood slides specimen of choice
Trypomastigote stage diagnostic
Filariasis misc.
Blood and tissue nematodes
adult worm/larval - microfilariae
Inhabit peripheral blood, lymphatics, deep tissue
Get blood sample night vs. day
Microfilariae morphology
Presence or absence of sheath around worm
Distribution of nuclei within tip of worm
Wuchereria bancrofti
Disease: Elephantiasis
Vector: Culex and Anopheles mosquitoes
Nocturnal periodicity
Giemsa-stained blood smears for microfilariae
Pointed tail without nuclei
Presence of sheath around the ends
Recovery of microfilariae through Nucleopore filter
Brugia malayi
Presence of 2 nuclei in tail tip set apart from the rest
Loa loa
Disease: Loiasis
African eye worm infection
Vector: Chrysops deerfly
Invasion: Blood and subcutaneous tissues
Diurnal periodicity – sample needs to be collected in the day time
Giemsa-stained blood smears for microfilariae
Tail with continuous row of nuclei
Onchocerca volvulus
Disease: river blindness
Vector: Simulium blackfly
Invasion: subcutaneous tissue, skin, eye
Giemsa-stained tissue (skin snips) smears NOT IN BLOOD
Continuous row of nuclei in tail but not in the tip
Recovery of worm from infected nodules
No periodicity observed
Causative Agent: toxoplasma gondii
disease of blood and lymphatic vessels
IgG - infected at sometime, IgM infected over 2 years ago
+ infected w/in last 3-6 months
Lyme Disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Vector: Ixodes dammini (tick)
Bull’s eye rash - heart problems - joint damage
Serology, culture, tissue microscopy (silver stain)
EIA - sonicated b. burgdorferi, purified flagellin protein, C6 peptide