living together of phylogenetically different organisms
beneficial to both organisms (++)
beneficial to one, neutral to the other (+0)
beneficial to one, parasitic to the other (+-)
adult of sexual stage of the parasite
Definitive Host
larval or asexual stage of the parasite
Intermediate Host
parasite does not develop, but remains alive and is infective to the next host
Paratenic Host
allows parasite’s life cycle to develop or continue, and serve as source of human infection
Reservoir Host
depends entirely for host existence
Obligate Parasite
parasitic and free living existence
Facultative Parasite
larval stage passed in a host, and adult stage is free living
Transitory Parasite (Homoxenous)
completes its cycle in 1 host (H. nana)
Permanent Parasite (Homoxenous)
requires 2 or more hosts for larval and adult stages
Periodic Parasite (Heteroxenous)
primarily infects animals and may be acquired by man
Zoonotic Parasite
occurs in unusual host
Accidental Parasite