Parasitic Protozoa: Kinetoplasta Flashcards
Protozoan Reprouduction
- Sexual or asexual may alternate two life cycles
- Asexual reproduction occurs binary fission or multiple fission
- Sexual reproduction varies
Protozoan Encystment
Most protozoans secrete coverings called cysts
Cyst forms: food deficiency, dessication, pH change
In some cyst: nuclear division occurs (rapid multiplication)
Class Kinetoplasta
Contain single large mitochondrion containing Kinetoplast
-Family Trypanosomatidae
Trypanosomatidae general pt1.
-All have single nucleus
-either elongated with 1 flagellum or rounded with a short flagellum
- lifecycle stages include blood or fixed tissues of vertebrates and intestine blood Sucking invertebrates
-Populations are clones
Trypanosomatidae general pt 2.
Trypomastigote stage ( kinetoplast and kinetosome) are near posterior end of body is the Infective stage of trypanosoma
Amastigote stage ( spheroid with short flagellum) is infective stage of leishmania
Life cycles forms vary
Trypansoma Characteristics
Are parasites of all vertebrates classes
Most live in blood/tissue fluids but T.Cruzi live in intracellular habitats
Either “Salivarians” (develop in forgut of insects)
“Stercorarians” (develop in hindgut of insects)
- Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei
2.Trypanosoma Equiperdum
3.Trypanosoma Evansi
- Nagana in animal ( ruminants)
- Dourine in equines
- Surra in mammals
A. Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense
B. Trypansoma Brucei Rhodesiense
Both are African sleeping sickness in humans
A. Chronic form sleeping sickness
B. Acute form of sleeping sickness/ game animals may be reservoirs
Salivaria pt. 3
Glossina are (flies) that are intermediate hosts
Sighs include swollen lymph nodes and malaise and infection may cause death
Trypanosoma Cruzi
Kinetoplast is sub-terminal and large Chagas disease
Trypansoma Lewisi
Found in rats
Insects serve as intermediate hosts
Animals are reservoirs
Spend part of their life cycle in a sand gut an remainder in vertebrate
Infections vary from self healing cutaneous infections to fatal ones
1.Leishmania Donovan
2.Leishmania tropica
- L-D bodies (amastigotes) are very small with Kinetoplast filling the cell
-visceral leishmaniasis - Cannot be distinguished from L.Donovan
Cutaneous leishmaniasis