Parasite living inside the body of the host.
Presence of an endoparasite in a host
Lumen of intestine or other hollow organs.
Parasites that are living within tissues.
Parasite living outside the body of the host.
Presence of an ectoparasite on a host .
When the parasite is found in an organ that is not its usual habitat.
Nonparasitic stages of active existence.
Free-Living Parasite
Can not exist without a host.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Obligate Parasites
They need a host at some stage of their life cycle to complete their development and to propagate their species.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Obligate Parasites
May free-living state or may become parasitic when the need arises.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Facultative Parasites
Parasite establishes itself in a host where it does NOT ordinarily live. (Infect an unusual host.)
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Accidental or Incidental Parasites
Remains on or in the body of the host for its entire life.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Permanent Parasite
Lives on the host only for a short period of time.
(Usually during feeding time.)
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Temporary Parasite
Is a free living organism that passes through the digestive tract without infecting the host.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Spurious Parasite
Which infect a host where they cannot develop further.
A. Obligate Parasites B. Facultative Parasites C.Accidental or Incidental Parasites D. Permanent Parasite E. Temporary Parasite F. Spurious Parasite G. Aberrant Parasite
Aberrant Parasite