Parasites Flashcards
After fertilization, tapeworms loose female parts and become a uterus full of eggs called?
A Gravid
Direct method of parasites consist of?
Transmission by contact
Indirect transmission of parasites consist of?
Oral fecal
Are parasites endogenous infections?
No because parasites are not normal flora
5 major groups of parasites?
Protozoa, tapeworms (cestodes), nematodes, acanthocephalan, flukes
What has a scolex, segmented worm, no mouth, flat for diffusion, and a holdfast?
Male segments become female segments in tapeworms (TRUE OR FLASE?)
What do you do when you arrive to the fish kill?
Pattern, size of fish
Where do tapeworms live?
Small intestine
What is the larval stage of tapeworms called?
Number of adult worms is only changed through ______
Parasites in moose grow where? To infect the wolf
Lungs so the moose doesn’t run fast
If you’re infected with a tapeworm, will there be an intermediate host?
Thorny headed worms, produce eggs and infect Arthropods (usually fresh water), no mouth or gut, live in small intestine
In acanthocephalans, eggs develop into a larval stage called?
What is the ectoparasite that is a serious pathogen in agriculture?
Monogenea (one sucker)
What has a mouth and gut and eats mucus and blood?
Male and female sex organs in one body, huge attachment organs, eggs ciliated organisms that can find next host, BIG HOOKS
What hatches and get into oncomiracidium with no intermediate host?
What has an oral sucker, has both testis and ovaries, and endoparasite and can be found in many organs in the body because it is mobile?
Trematode or fluke
What is the intermediate host of trematodes?
Tell me about miracidium stage
Eggs produce miracidium, attracted to snail, operculum pops open
When not enough medication is used, it causes the parasite to?
Destrobilate- drops the tail but the scolex is still there
Negative binomial distribution
Few people have the most parasites on the curve
Which one is the infected stage in larval reproduction?
Larval stage 3
What larva stages occur outside of the host?
L 1,2,3
Most primitive worm
Infected stage of Monogenea is
What worm has 3 host?
What worm is 99.9% free living and ascaris lumbricoides Is the most common
What worm causes anemia?
Only one that the infected stage isn’t L3-infected stage is L1 in the muscle
What parasite mobile because they have mouth and gut to travel?
Blood sucking insects transmit in nematode but not in where? And why?
Trematodes because it has to go through snails and Mosquitos don’t go through snails
What do parasitic Protozoa normally like to be?
Large intestine because more bacteria found there
4 categories of Protozoa
Ciliate, flagellate, pseudopodia, Sporozoa
Malaria is what type of parasite?
Protozoan parasites are usually what type of transmission?
Blood sucking
What is a direct life cycle?
Adult worms found in definitive host-only one host
Complex life cycle?
Two or more host
The genome has to do with?
Complexity of life cycle
What percentage of animal species are parasites?
In tapeworms, infection starts with something called a ?
Inverted scolex
In tapeworms, segments produced are _______, and as they move along they become _____
Immature; male
What are vitellaria (found in tapeworms)?
Glands that produce egg shell
Death in fishes: multiple vs. Single species
Multiple: environmental factors
Single: infectious disease specific to species
What do you do when you get to a fish kill?
Check number of species And size of fish
99% of all parasitic worms are?
What comes from flatworms?
Tapeworms (cestodes) flukes, and Monogenea
How does moose get infection?
Poop on ground and graze
If there is a tapeworm infection there won’t be an intermediate host T OR F?
False- there will be an intermediate host
Rutifers developed into:
Acanthocephalans are found in the ?
Small intestine
Major host of acanthocephalans?
Fish and water fouls
Process of acanthocephalans infection:
Produces eggs, out to feces, affects Arthropods (usually fresh water and eggs are tasty), develops into larval stage of Cystacanth, ingest and tropic transfer
Acanthocephalans makes crazy gammarids:
Photopositive, skitter
_____ are cephalized (stuff in front of head)
Earliest parasitic flatworms and ectoparasite on fish -hippopotamus have it
What parasite infects any organ that allows to go to urine or poop?
Life cycle of flukes/trematodes:
Parasite develops miracidium (can specifically find snail where it penetrates and multiples) then creates stage called cercaria (find prey item like fish and encyst) then vegetation then back to main host -human can get it from eating salad
If find eggs in stool, what do you use?
Anti parasitic drugs
Why is L3 always the infective stage?
L3 contains the cuticle of L2 that seals
3 billion people with what type of parasite strategy?
Hard eggs strategy
Dog heart worm?
Bitten by mosquito and only live in right ventricle
Ovoviviparous ?
Produce eggs that hatch in uterus
In pork infective stage Is?
L1- in muscle -ingested-penetrates gut -L2,3,4- adult and then produces L1
____ stages for roundworms
Infection intensity
The number of worms present
Worm population goes up by recruitment TRUE OR FLASE?
Do parasites cause zoonotic infections? Why?
No because host specificity
Sporozoa is always _____ and has ____
Parasitic ; sex
In cats, the infection starts with ___, contains 4 sporozotes, cat eats it and in gut releases sporozotes
What’s toxoplasma Gandii?
Cat parasite
How is malaria transmitted?
Transmitted through mosquito, sporozotes go to the liver, leave liver and infect red blood cells, produces gametocyte which are male and female parts, produce sporozotes that go to salivary glands
In malaria, definitive host is?
The mosquito, where sex occurs
The process of sporozoite
Penetrates liver cells, transformed into triphozoite, go to asexual reproduction to become schizont, inside develop into merozoite, when schizont is mature blows up the cell and releases merozoites which infect RBC
In RBC merozoites become ?
Trophozoites (feeding stage, diagnostic). Which become schizont and RBC explode and release merozoit
Blood flukes- have two host
How do the blood flukes live in the blood?
Stripe antigens off of blood and put it on their body - camouflages
Concomitant immunity
Stripping antigens off of blood to hide from immune response
Blood flukes mate forever in the ?
First most important disease on earth:
Infective larva of Monogenea, it’s ciliated and can swim freely
If found disease in a population of animals what do you do?
Prevent their entry, control it, and eradicate