Parasites Flashcards
List the 5 intestinal nematodes (roundworms)
- Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
- Ascariasis
- Whipworm (Trichuris trichura)
- Hookworm (Necator americanus, Anclyostoma duodenale)
- Strongyloides
List the 3 tissue nematodes (roundworms)
- Trichinella spiralis (trichinosis)
- Wuchereria bancrofti (filariasis)
- Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati (visceral/cutaneous larva migrans)
List the trematode (flukes) vs. cestodes (tapeworm) flatworms
Trematode = Schistosoma (blood fluke)
Cestode = Taenia saginata (intestinal), Taenia solium (intestinal or tissue), Echinococcus granulosus (hyatid cyst disease)
Treatment = mebendazole/albendazole
Trichinella (adult only)
Tx with metronidazole
Entamoeba histolyticum
Dx via eggs in feces
Tapeworm (or proglottid)
Schistosoma japonicum/mansoni
Dx via larva in feces
Dx via ID in urine
Schistosoma haematobium
Dx via cyst in stool
Entamoeba histolyticum
Giardia (or trophozoite)
Dx via card agglutination test
T. brucei
Dx via Giemsa stain (thin/thick)
Chronic infection
Must be fertilized in soil
Larval stage is migratory
Larva penetrates skin –> migrates in subQ tissue –> inflammation
Toxocara canis/cati
(Cutaneous larva migrans)

(Amastigote form in macrophages)
Eggs in feces –> rhabdiform larva hatches –> filariform larva penetrates skin –> adults in SI
Hookworm (Necatur americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
Fever + diarrhea + muscle pain + periorbital edema + eosinophilia
(Trichinella spiralis)
Snail is essential intermediate host
Taken up by and multiplies in macrophages
Cyst form can survive outside the body
Entamoeba histolyticum
What are the protozoan endoparasites?
Single celled eukaryotes
(Flagellates [Leishmania, Giardia, trypanosomes] + amoebas [Entamoeba, Naegleria] + sporozoea [Cryptosporidium, malaria] + ciliates)
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Damage due to eosinophil basic protein
Loeffler’s syndrome
(think Stryongyloides in heart and lung)
Perianal itching at night
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Blood meal –> releases trophozoite into human –> infects liver cell –> schiont –> ruptured schizont –> infects RBC –> immature trophozoite/ring form –> forms mature trophozoite, ruptures, and reinfects more RBCs OR forms gametocytes –> gametocytes taken up with blood meal –> inside vector, microgamete enters macrogamete –> ookinete –> oocyst –> oocyst ruptures –> trophozoites released –> blood meal –> releases trophozoite into human ….
(Intestinal obstruction)
Ingested oocyst –> sporozoites released –> infect gastric epithelial cells –> differentiate into merozoites –> some become male and female gametes –> fuse to form a zygote –> reduction division inside zygote –> oocyst containing 4 sporozoites
Vector for African trypanosomiasis
Tsetse fly
How do you diagnose early lymphatic filariasis/Wuchereria bancrofti?
Microfilaria in blood
Obstructive jaundice +/- seizures and increased ICP
Echinococcus granulosus
(Hydatid cyst; presentation depends upon location of the cyst)
Host in which sexual reproduction takes place
Definitive host
Anchovy paste aspirate
Entamoeba histolytics
Transmitted via cysts in meat or oocysts in cat poop
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Egg from cat/dog feces swallowed –> larva penetrate mucosa –> enter circulation –> larva migrate to liver, lungs, eye –> inflammatory necrosis
Toxocara canis/cati
(Visceral larva migrans)
Infective form of Schistosoma in freshwater snails
What are the 3 soil-transmitted helminths?
- Hookworm (Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
- Whipworm (Trichuriasis)
- Ascaris lumbricoides
Worldwide distribution
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Taenia solium, Taenia saginata
What 3 types of sx can one get with a Whipworm infection?
- Asymptomatic
- Diarrhea +/- blood
- Chronic blood loss/IBD-like sx
How does T. brucei move?
Undulating membrane
Quartan fevers
P. malariae
(every 72 hours)
MC helminth infection in US
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Intermittent fevers
African trypanosomiasis (T. brucei)
Penetrates cribiform plate/olfactory neuroepithelium
N. fowleri
(Primary amebic meningoencephalitis)
Outcomes of congential toxoplasmosis
70% - normal
5-10% - miscarriage
10% - brain damage
10% - visual problems (chorioretinitis)
Fever, chills, rigors; respiratory distress, pulmonary edema; decreased consciousness, seizures; anemia; HA, N/V, diarrhea; hypoglycemia; lactic acidosis
What cannot occur in an intermediate host?
Sexual reproduction
(Only growth &/or sexual reproduction occurs)
Fork-like tail
Cercariae form of Schistosoma, allows it to be free-living in freshwater and penetrate skin
Possible parasitic cause?

Chronic T. cruzi infection
(Chagas disease; damage to autonomic ganglia causes achalasia)
Liver cyst
Echinococcus granulosus
(Hydatid cyst)

How is Ascariasis prevented?
Proper disposal of sewage
(Eggs become fertilized in soil)
Purpuric papule + Loeffler’s syndrome + N/V + diarrhea + epigastric pain
Vector of American trypanosomiasis
Reduviid/triatomine bug
(Chagas disease)
Blood meal –> vector picks up metacyclic trypomastigotes –> transform into procyclic trypomastigotes and multiply in vector’s midgut –> leave the midgut and transform into epimastigotes –> transform into metacyclic trypomastigotes and multiply in salivary gland –> blood meal –> metacylic trypomastigotes transform into bloodstream trypomastigotes in human –> trypomastigotes multiply in blood/CSF/lymph fluid –> blood meal ….
T. brucei
(African trypanosomiasis)
3 teeth on either side
Hookworm (Necatur americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
(Due to penetration of cercariae)
Acid fast oocysts
Prefers pH > 4.5
(T. solium, T. saginata; THINK: only one tapeworm in a host at a time…. has to reproduce somehow)
Diving into fresh water
N. fowleri
(Primary amebic meningoencephalitis)
Elevated immunoglobulins
(But they’re ineffective againt the bug because it’s inside macrophages + other cells)
Dx via microfilaria (with multiple nuclei) in blood at night
Wuchereria bancrofti
(lymphatic filariasis/elephantiasis)
Sticky tape test
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Vector takes blood meal –> ingests infected cell –> amastigotes transform into promastigotes in vector’s midgut –> divide –> migrate to proboscis –> blood meal –> promastigotes taken up by macrophages –> transform into amastigotes in macrophages –> multiply and macrophages and cells of various tissues –> blood meal ….
Major cause of iron deficiency anemia in developing countries
Reinfection occurs but with reduced viremia
(Eggs in GI mucosa hatch –> rhabidiform larva can travel to lung –> filariform larva travel to trachea –> swallowed –> goes to intestine –> lays eggs –> repeat)
Chronic liver state of malaria with P. vivax/ovale
Dx via trophozoites or flagellated form in CSF
N. fowleri
(Primary amebic meningoencephalitis)
Giardia (drink from stream)
(or trichinosis if eat raw meat)
Hepatosplenomegaly + ascites
Schistosoma japonicum/mansoni
Latches onto intestinal wall and eats tissue
Hookworm (Necatus americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
What respiratory disease can be caused by larval migration through the lungs?
Pneumonitis via Ascariasis
Host in which parasite cannot complete life cycle
Intermediate host (dead-end host)
Produces anticoagulant
Hookworm (Necatur americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
Scolex (head) + proglottid (branched uteri)
Tapeworm (T. solium,saginata)
Echinococcus granulosus (1 immatue + 1 mature scolex)
Tertian fevers
P. falciparum/ovale/vivax
(every 48 hours, occurs on first and third days)
Portal HTN
Schistosoma japonicum/mansoni
3 manifestations: asymptomatic carriage in intestine; dysentery; extra-intestinal abscesses
Entamoeba histolyticum

Egg fertilized in soil –> egg swallowed –> hatches in body –> eggs passed out in feces
(Remember: hookworm filariform larva directly penetrates skin)
Eggs or progrottid ingested by animal –> oncospheres hatch –> circulation –> oncospheres form cysticerci in muscle –> human eats animal –> scolex attaches to intestine –> eggs or gravid proglottid passed in feces
(Taenia solium, Taenium saginata)
Oocyst must be in enviornment for a while to become infectious
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Tx for hypnozoites (P. ovale/P. vivax)
(Check for G6PD deficiency!!)
How do you diagnose intestinal Taenia solium/saginata?
Eggs/progottids in feces
Leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia
Most common protozoal intestinal infection
Severe deformity
Mucocutaenous leishmaniasis
(L. braziliensis - Latin America)
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Blood meal –> trypomastigotes become epimastigotes in vector’s midgut –> multiply in midgut –> become metacyclic trypomastigotes in vector’s hindgut –> vector takes blood meal + passes trypomastigotes in feces –> metacyclic trypomastigotes penetrates human cells and becomes amastigote –> multiply intracellularly –> transform into trypomastigotes and burst out of cells –> taken up by another blood meal or reinfects other cells
T. cruzi
Which form of T. brucei is most rapidly fatal?
T. brucei rhodesiense
(East African sleeping sickness)
What causes cerebral disease related to malaria?
Sticky RBCs
(Decreased consciousness, seizures)
Filariform larva penetrates skin –> circulatory system –> travels to lung –> trachea –> swallowed –> small intestine –> become adults –> eggs deposited in intestinal mucosa –> rhabidiform larva either passed in feces or become filariform –> filariform larva penetrate mucosa –> circulatory system –> lungs …..
(Remember autoinfection! Also the larva are diagnosed in stool, not eggs!)
Eggs in soil/feces –> swallowed –> hatch –> larva attach to gut wall –> eggs excreted in feces –> embryonate in soil
Whipworm (Trichuriasis)
Vector of Leishmaniasis
Tissue cysts in sheep/pig –> eaten by humans –> pseudocysts in cells
Tissue cysts in mice/birds –> eaten by cat –> fecal oocysts –> ingested by human/sheep/pig –> pseudocysts in human cells
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Is Trichinosis transmissible between humans?
No (unless they’re cannibals)
Ingestion of larva = GI infection
Ingestion of eggs = cysts in various tissues
(T. solium)
Undercooked meat, especially pork
Trichionosis (Trichinella spiralis)
Tapeworm (Taenia solium/saginata)
Flask-shaped ulcers
Entamoeba histolyticum
(Superficial ulcer looks small but spread out underneath)
T. brucei
(Kinetoplast = circular DNA inside a mitochondrion)
Hypersensitivity to egg causes periportal fibrosis
S. japonicum/mansoni
Agent of elephantiasis
Wushceria bancrofti
Agents of visceral/cutaneous larva migrans
Toxocara canis, Toxocare cati
(vs. Toxoplasma gondi = toxoplasmosis)
Larva form can produce cysts in various tissues
(T. solium, T. saginata)
How does T. cruzi cause cardiomyopathy? Megacolon and achalasia?
Cardiomyopathy via direct damage to myocytes
Achalasia/megacolon via damage to autonomic ganglia
What symptoms would you expect in the patient from whom this egg was isolated?

Terminal hematuria, suprapubic pain (bladder CA)
(Terminal spine = Schistosoma haematobium)
Cyst in definitive host, pseudocyst in intermediate host
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
(Definitive host = cat; intermediate host = human, pig, sheep, bird, mouse)
Mature cyst contains thousands of protscolexes
Echinococcus granulosus
(Hydatid cyst disease)
Female lives inside male’s gynaecophoric canal
Schistosoma (paired adults)
Treatment = 2 doses of pyrental two weeks apart for whole family
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Seropositive for life
(Think: reactivation in AIDS)
No protective immunity
Entamoeba histolyticum
Flagellated protozoa
Giardia + trichomonas
Eggs hatch –> release miracidia –> penetrate snail tissue –> form sporocysts –> snail releases cercariae into water –> cercariae lose tails and penetrate human skin becoming schistosomulae –> get into circulation –> migrate into portal blood –> mature in the liver –> paired adults migrate to mesenteric venules –> lay eggs –> circulate to liver/venous plexus of bladder or passed in stool
What disease is caused by Schistosoma japincum/mansoni?
Portal HTN
Adults live in blood vessels draining the bladder or intestine
(Intestine = japonicum/mansoni; bladder = haematobium)
Severe diarrhea in AIDS patient
Mild watery diarrhea in immunocompetent patient

Malabsorption diarrhea
Undulating membrane
T. brucei
(African trypanosomiasis)
Liver, lung, brain abscesses
Entamoeba histolyticum
Dog eats sheep –> infected –> passes eggs via feces –> ingest eggs –> larva released in intestine –> spread hematogenously –> secrete membrane –> inner part matures into germinal layer –> produces protscolexes in various tissues
Echinococcus granulosus
(Protscolexes = hydatid cyst)
Cysts ingested –> trophozoites undergo binary fission in SI –> encystation as trophozoites move toward LI –> cysts passed in feces
Painless bite
Chagas disease/reduviid bug
Neti pots
N. fowleri
Most common presentation is asymptomatic eosinophilia
Mature cysts ingested –> excystation in SI –> released trophozoites travel to LI –> produce cysts –> cysts excreted in feces
Entamoeba histolyticum
Egg has clear outer shell
Hookworm (Necatur americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
Encysted larva ingested from muscle of animal –> larva released in SI –> adults deposit larva in mucosa –> circulation –> encysted larva in muscle
(Trichinella spiralis)
Rupture of hydatid cyst
(Echinococcus granulosus)
What are the Metazoan endoparasites?
Multicellular organisms = helminths
(Roundworms [nematodes = Ascaris, Strongyloides] + flatworms [tapeworm = Taenia, fluke = Schistosoma])
Eggs flattened on one side
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Baby born with hydrocephalus + generalized lymphadenopathy + hepatosplenomegaly + diffuse cerebral calcifications
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Adults die after 5 years
Wuchereria bancrofti
(Filariasis/elephantiasis; this causes calcification and inflammation that blocks lymphatics )
(T/F): The Whipworm eggs shed in feces are infectious
False - must embryonate in soil to become infectious
Not killed by chlorine
Where does the adult form of this organism reside? Where would this egg be found inside the body?

Blood vessels draining the intestine
Liver or intestines
(Middle spine = Schistosoma mansoni)
Agent of cysticercosis
Taenia solium (tapeworm)
The metezoan life cycle consists of what 3 stages?
Local swelling at site of infection + fever + myalgia + rash; chronically - achalasia + cardiomyopathy + megacolon
T. cruzi
(Chagas disease/American trypanosomiasis)
Cat is definitive host
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
(Human, bird, mouse, sheep, and pig can be intermediate host)
Hyperinfection syndrome
Disseminated Strongyloides in immunocompromised host
Multiplies via binary fission = no cyst stage!
Adult in lymphatics, microfilaria in blood stream
Wuchereria bancrofti
Recurring fever + chancre + somnolence + coma
African trypanosomiasis (T. brucei)
Smallest of all tapeworms
Echinococcus granulosus
(hydatid cysts)
What should you check for to ensure clearance of a tapeworm infection?
(If head still attached, worm can grow back)
Sx caused by immune response to egg deposition
Active form = trophozoite
Excreted, durable form = cyst
Entamoeba histolyticum
Matures in liver
Swimming pools, water parks
What causes fever, malaise, rigors with malaria?
RBC rupture (cyclic if untreated)
Host which maintains parasite in nature as a source for continued transmission
Resolves ~2 years if untreated
Cannot exist outside of the body because it cannot form cysts
Romana’s sign
Periorbital swelling due to T. cruzi/rdeuviid bug bite
What causes anemia with malaria infection?
RBC rupture
Adult in intestines, larva in muscle
(Trichinella spiralis)
Hepatosplenomegaly + spiking fevers + pancytopenia + hyperpigmented skin + superinfections
Visceral leishmaniasis
What causes the symptoms of cysticercosis?
Dying worms
Intermediate hosts of toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Human, bird, mouse, pig, sheep
Agent of American typanosomiasis/Chagas disease?
T. cruzi
(vector = reduviid bug)
Embryonated eggs ingested by human –> larva hatch in SI –> adults in lumen of cecum –> Gravid female migrates to perianal region at night to lay eggs
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Dx of this egg in feces?

Hookworm (Necatus americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale)
(Clear shell around egg!!)
No digestive tract
(T. solium, T. saginata)
Tx with metronidazole for symptomatic infection or paromycin to eliminate luminal carriage
Entamoeba histolyticum
Cutaneous leishmaniasis symptoms
Ulcer at sandfly blood meal site
Host in which development and possibly asexual reproduction occurs but not sexual reproduction
Intermediate host
Reinfection is very common
Common sx are pneumonitis and intestinal obstruction
Respiratory failure + gram negative rod sepsis + acute abdomen
Hyperinfection syndrome (Strongyloides in immunocompromised host)
Brain cysts + seizures
(Taenia solium)
T. brucei
(Variable surface glycoprotein - accounts for intermittent fever + ability to evade immune system; only one glycoprotein expressed at a time)
Transmitted by mosquitos
Wuchereria bancrofti (filariasis/elephantiasis)
Agent of hydatid cyst disease
Echinococcus granulosus
Hematuria, bladder cancer
Schistosoma haematobium
Sheep dogs
Echincoccus granulosus
(Hydatid cyst)
Infective form of Schistosoma in humans
Dysentery + RUQ pain
Entamoeba histolyticum
Survival < 1%
N. fowleri
(Primary amebic meningoencephalitis)
HIV/AIDS patients with low CD4+ and visual complaints
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii)
Prevention by filtering water supplies
Anopholes mosquito

Malaria ring form