Parametric models Flashcards
Univariate families of distributions
Relationship between Poisson and binomial
ThebinomialandPoissonare particularly close cousins. A Bi(n, pi) distribution (the number of heads in n independent flips of a coin with probability of heads (pi) approaches a Poi(n*pi) distribution as n grows large and pi small.
Multivariate normal distribution
Fisher’s information bound for multiparameter families
“Definition: A theoretical lower bound on the variance of unbiased estimators for multiple parameters, derived from the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM). It generalizes the Cramér-Rao bound to multiparameter cases.
Provides the minimum achievable variance for unbiased estimators in multiparameter settings.
The covariance matrix of any unbiased estimator θ^θ^ is at least the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix.
Only applies to unbiased estimators.
Achieving the bound depends on the estimator and the model; often, efficient estimators (e.g., Maximum Likelihood Estimators) are required.
Maximum likelihood, and in fact any form of unbiased or nearly unbi-
ased estimation, pays a nuisance tax for the presence of “other” parameters.
Modern applications often involve thousands of others; think of regression
fits with too many predictors. In some circumstances, biased estimation
methods can reverse the situation, using the others to actually improve esti-
mation of a target parameter; see Chapter 6 on empirical Bayes techniques,
and Chapter 16 on `1 regularized regression models”
The multinomial distribution
“Definition: A generalization of the binomial distribution that models the probabilities of outcomes across kk categories from nn independent trials, where each trial has a fixed probability for each category.
Fixed nn. Independent trials. Probabilities (pipi) are constant across trials.
Assumes no overlap between categories (mutual exclusivity). Not suitable for dependent trials or variable probabilities.
Example: Rolling a die n=10n=10 times and counting the outcomes for each of the six faces (k=6k=6, pi=1/6pi=1/6).
There is one more important thing to say about the multinomial family: it
contains all distributions on a sample space X composed of L discrete cat-
egories. In this sense it is a model for nonparametric inference on X . The
nonparametric bootstrap calculations of Chapter 10 use the multinomial in
this way. Nonparametrics, and the multinomial, have played a larger role
in the modern environment of large, difficult to model, data sets.”
Exponential families
“Why are we interested in exponential tilting rather than some other trans-
formational form? The answer has to do with repeated sampling.
No matter how large nmay be, the statistician can still compress all the
inferential information into a p-dimensional statistic y-hat. Only exponential families enjoy this property.
All of the classic exponential families have closed-form expressions for the normalizing function and the caryying density, yielding pleasant formulas for the mean ˇ and covar-
iance V
Exponential family of distributions are extremely useful for statistical analysis. Often only the exponential family has these properties. Examples:
Tthe only families with sufficient statistics that can summarize arbitrary amounts of independent identically distributed data using a fixed number of values. (Pitman–Koopman–Darmois theorem)
Conjugate priors, an important property in Bayesian statistics.
The posterior predictive distribution of a random variable with a conjugate prior can always be written in closed form
- Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
Exponential families form the basis of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). In GLMs:
The response variable follows a distribution from the exponential family.
The link function transforms the mean of the response variable to a linear function of the predictors.
The exponential family includes a wide variety of distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson, etc.), making it flexible for diverse modeling tasks. Its form is adaptable to different types of data (continuous, discrete, binary, categorical).”