Paramedic Drugs Flashcards
Midazolam (Versed)
Binds to benzo receptor site on chloride channels and potentiates binding and effects of GABA, increasing intracellular chloride concentration leading to hyperpolarization of cell
Onset: 3-5min IV, 15 min IM
Peak: 20-60min
Duration: <2hrs IV, 1-6hrs IM
Half-life: 1-4hrs
Premedication, seizures, sedation
AMS, resp depression, amnesia, n/v
Seizure: 2-6mg IV, 10mg IM, 5mg/nair
Premedication: 2-5mg slow IV/IM
Sedation: 2-5mg IV q 5-10min
PEDI: 0.2mg/kg slow, max 10mg
May cause CNS/respiratory depression, caution with acute alcohol intoxication
Additive effects with CNS depressants and alcohol
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Binds to benzo receptor site on chloride channels and potentiates binding and effects of GABA, increasing intracellular chloride concentration leading to hyperpolarization of cell
Onset: 1-5min IV
Peak: 15-20min IV
Duration: 6-8hrs
Half-life: 10-20hrs
Seizures, premedication, anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, sedation
AMS, resp depression, amnesia, n/v
Seizure: 4mg IV,IO
Anxiety/premed: 0.5-2mg slow
Sedation: 2-4mg slow q 5-10min
PEDI: 0.05mg/kg slow
May cause CNS/respiratory depression, caution with acute alcohol intoxication
Additive effects with CNS depressants and alcohol
Atropine Sulfate
Inhibits parasympathetic stimulation of SA and AV nodal cells, positive chronotropy, no inotropic effect
Onset: immediate
Peak: 2-4min
Duration: 4hrs
Half-life: 2-3hrs
Symptomatic bradycardia, premedication for RSI, organophosphate poisoning
Blurred vision, confusion, dilated pupils, drowsy
Brady: 0.5-1mg IV q3-5 up to 3mg RSI: 0.5-1mg IV Organo: 2-5mg IV/IM q20-30 min PEDI BRADY: 0.02mg/kg (min 0.1mg, max 0.5mg) PEDI RSI: 0.02mg/kg PEDI ORGANO: 0.05mg/kg q20-30min
Do not give less than 0.5mg to adults or less than 0.1mg to pedi may cause paradoxical effects, may cause paradoxical slowing or be ineffective if used for 2•typeII or 3rd• heart block, caution with acute MI increases myocardial o2 demand
Few drug interactions
Diltiazem (Cardizem)
Calcium channel blocker
Inhibits calcium entry and the subsequent interaction between actin and myosin, negative chrono, ino, dromo
Onset: 3min
Peak: 7min
Duration: 1-3hrs
Half-life: 2hrs
Rapid afib/aflutter >150, PSVT refractory to adenosine
Hypotension, decomp cardiogenic shock, vtach, WPW
Bradycardia, heart block, hypotension
1st: 0.25mg/kg slow over 2min
2nd: 0.35mg/kg
Maintenance: 5-15mg/hr
Must be discarded after 1mos without refrigeration
Increases risk of bradycardia with beta blockers
Diazepam (Valium)
Onset: 1-5min IV, 15-30min IM
Peak: 10min IV, 30-45min IM
Duration: 15-60min
Half-life: 20-50hrs
Anxiety: 2-5mg slow
Seizure: 5-10mg slow
Sedative: 5-15mg slow
PEDI: 0.2mg/kg, max of 5
Raises blood glucose by added presence directly into vasculature
Onset: <1min
Peak: varies
Duration: varies
Half-life: n/a
Hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia during neonatal resuscitation (d10)
Tissue necrosis, phlebitis at injection site
Adult: 25g slow IV (d10/d50), until dose yields good mental status
PEDI: 0.5-1g/kg slow (d10/d25)
Local venous irritation, caution with ICP and cerebral edema(hypertonic causes fluid shift), d50 should not be given to children but may be diluted 1:1 with sterile water to make d25
Glucagon (Glucagon emergency kit)
- liver*glucose release from glycogen polymers
- heart*calcium entry from ecf, positive ino, chrono, dromo
- esophageal sphincter*SMC relaxation
Onset: 5-20min
Peak: 30min
Duration: 1-2hrs
Half-life: 5-10min
Hypoglycemia with no IV, esophageal food bolus, beta blocker calcium channel blocker OD
Pheochromocytoma, hypersensitive
HA, dizzy, n/v, hypotension
Hypoglycemia/bolus: 1mg IM
OD: 0.1mg/kg up to 5mg
PEDI: 0.02mg/kg IM max 1mg
Only effective if sufficient glycogen stores in liver
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Activated Charcoal (Actidose)
Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
Sympathomimetic/Sympathetic agonist/Catecholamine
A1:calcium release in vsmc causing peripheral vasoconstriction
B1:increased calcium in cardiac cells, positive ino,chrono,dromo
B2:bronchial smooth muscle relaxation
Onset: <5min IV, 20min IM
Duration: 5-10min IV, 20-30min IM
Half-life: 5min IV
Cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, asthma, sever reactive airway disease, symptomatic bradycardia/hypotension
Dysrhythmia, anxiety, ha, tremors
Arrest: 0.5-1mg IV 1:10 q3-5min
Airway: 0.3mg IM 1:1, then 0.1mg 1:10 over 3 min
Brady/hypo: 2-10mcg/min
PEDI arrest: 0.01mg/kg IV 1:10 q3-5min
PEDI airway: 0.01mg/kg 1:1 IM (max 0.3mg), then 0.01mg/kg 1:10 slow IV
Protect from light, caution with CAD and pregnancy; leads to increase myocardial o2 demand
Reacts with calcium and bicarb forming ppt in IV, deactivated by alkaline solutions, pH dependent, effects intensified with anti depressants
Calcium Chloride
Replaces elemental calcium, positive inotropy and chronotropy
Onset: immediate
Peak: unknown
Duration: varies
Half-life: n/a
Acute hyperkalemia, calcium channel blocker tox, crush syndrome, abd spasm from brown recluse or man of war, arrest with suspected hyperK or dialysis
Bradycardia, dysrhythmia, syncope, arrest
Adult: 1g slow IV over 1min
PEDI: 20mg/kg slow IV
Can cause tissue necrosis at injection site, ensure patent line
Forms PPT with bicarb, digitalis tox with pt’s taking dig
Sodium Bicarbonate
Alkanilizing agent/Electrolyte
Alkaniline electrolyte that buffers excess H+
Onset: immediate
Peak: <15min
Duration: 1-2hrs
Half-life: n/a
Metabolic acidosis from OD (asa/tca), arrest with hyperK
Respiratory acidosis
1meq/kg IV
Causes metabolic alkalosis in large quantities
Deactivates catecholamines and vasopressors, forms PPT in IV with calcium chloride
Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat)
Causes cascade of reactions that reduce intracellular calcium, resulting in VSMC relaxation and decreased preload and after load
*allows blood flow around thrombus to reduce ischemia and reduce CP
Onset: 1-3min SL, 30min topical
Peak: 5-10min SL, varies topical
Duration: 20-30min SL, 3-6hrs topical
Half-life: 1-4min
Chest pain associated with angina or mi, pulmonary edema or CHF
Shock, hypotension, increased ICP, children under 12, ed drugs in 48hrs
Ha, hypotension, dizzy, tachycardia
Spray/tab: 0.4mg SL q3-5min until effect achieved or BP drops (max3x25min)
Paste: 0.5-1 inch topical
Expect ha from vasodilation, routine use may cause tolerance, 12-lead prior use caution with right side mi
Ortho static hypotension with beta blockers, extreme hypotension with alcohol
Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, ASA (Bayer)
Platelet aggregation inhibitor/Anti-inflammatory/ Salicylate
Inhibits platelet aggregation by blocking the formation of thromboxane a2, throm a2 causes platelet aggregation and arterial constriction
*cox inhibitor: reduces spread of inflammation
Onset: 5-30min
Peak: 15-120min
Duration: 1-4hrs
Half-life: 15-20 min
Chest pain suggestive of AMI/ACS
Hypersensitive, active GI bleed
GI bleed, prolonged bleeding, wheezing
Adult: 324mg (81mg baby asa preferred as it can be chewed and swallowed)
Can cause GI upset
Enhanced SE with other anti-inflammatories, decreased absorption with antacids
Amiodarone HCL (Cordarone)
- K+ channel blocker prolongs phase 3 repolarization and refractory period
- Na+ channel blocker decreases amplitude of phase 0 depolarization
- Non competitive beta blocker/weak calcium channel blocker; negative ino, chrono, dromo
Onset: immediate
Peak: 30-45min
Duration: varies
Half-life: 40-55days
Wide complex tachycardia, VF/vt arrest
Bradycardia, 2nd/3rd degree heart block, hypersensitive
Prolonged pr/qrs/qt intervals, hypotension, bradycardia, dyspnea
Arrest: 300mg IV, repeat 150mg in 3-5 PRN
+pulse: 150mg over 10 min
Maintenance: 1mg/min first six hours then 0.5mg/min
PEDI arrest: 5mg/kg IV, max dose of 300mg, max total of 15mg/kg
PEDI +pulse: 5mg/kg IV over 20-60min, max of 300mg
Caution in pt’s with heart failure
Reduces clearance of digoxin, reduces clearance of warfarin (enhanced anti coagulation), potentials procainamide and quinidine