Parallel Performance Modeling Flashcards
What is parallel speedup?
Sp = T1 / Tp
The measure of performance improvement achieved by using multiple processors in parallel.
What is ideal speedup?
SIp = 1 / p
The theoretical maximum parallel speedup that could be achieved.
What is parallel efficiency?
Ep = Sp / p
Measure how far we are from the ideal speedup.
What is the serial fraction?
The fraction of the program cannot be parallelized.
What is Brent’s Theorem?
Tp <= t + (m-t) / p
m = number of tasks
t = critical path
p = number of processors
What is PRAM Model?
Parallel Random Access Machine: Every memory location is accessible to any processor.
What is an EREW PRAM model?
Exclusive read, exclusive write PRAM.
Only one processor at a time can read or write.
Limitations of the PRAM model?
Unrealistic and Perform poorly.
What is Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model?
Orders the program into a sequence of supersteps, each ending with a barrier synchronization.
What are the 3 components of a super-step in the BSP model?
Local Computation
Global Communication
Barrier Synchronization
How is the execution time of a super-step in the BSP model calculated?
tStep = max(wi) + mg * max(hi) + l
Wi = time for local work on processor i
Hi = number of incoming or outgoing messages for processor i
M = message size
G = BSP bandwidth parameter.
L = BSP latency parameter.
What is an h-relation
A communication pattern whose properties are summarized by the parameter h.
h is the larger number of incoming or outgoing interactions in a communication step.
How is the execution time of a super-step in the BSP model calculated?
tStep = max(wi) + mg * max(hi) + l
Wi = time for local work on processor i
Hi = number of incoming or outgoing messages for processor i
M = message size
G = BSP bandwidth parameter.
L = BSP latency parameter.
What 3 architectural parameters are used to describe the BSP model?
P = number of processors,
G = bandwidth parameter
L = barrier synchronization latency
What is super-linear speedup?
When the speedup is larger than the number of processors