Parallel Machine Schedulling Flashcards
What are the basic assumptions of Parallel Machine Schedulling
General assumption is again p1 ≥ p2 ≥ ⋯ ≥ pn
* Mj specifies the set of machines suitable for processing job j
Describe the two types of bounds in this type of schedulling
Job based bounds
- The makespan must be at least as long as the processing time of the longest job
Machine based bounds
- At best, all processing time is spread evenly among the machines
Whats the theoretical bound for Pm||Cmax?
(Cmax(LPT)/Cmax(OPT)) <= (4/3) - (1/3m))
Whats the theoretical bound for Pm|prec|Cmax?
(Cmax(LIST)/Cmax(OPT)) <= 2 - (1/m)
Whats the Critical Path rule?
The job at the head of the longest string of jobs in the
precedence graph is given highest priority. Optimal for Pm|pj= 1, tree| Cmax
How does Largest Number of Successors (LNS) work?
The job with the highest
number of successors in the precedence graph is given priority.
Describe how does LFJ works
Every time a machine is freed, the job with the
smallest number of compatible machines is selected.
If Mj are nested, describe the 4 condiitions that should hold?
Mj = Mk
* Mj ⊂ Mk
* Mk ⊂ Mj
* Mj ∩ Mk = ∅
How does the Least Flexible Machine Rule works?
Prioritize the least flexible machine,
i.e., the machine with the lowest number of remaining jobs
How does the Least Flexible Machine – Least Flexible Job (LFM-LFJ) heuristic work?
At each point
in time, consider the least flexible machine and assign the least flexible job which
may be processed on it.
Formulate the Linear Programming Formulation for: Pm|prmp|Cmax
Check notes
Whats the algorithm that goes best with Pm|prmp|Cmax? Describe it
LRPT First Rule
How does the Longest Remaining Processing Time (LRPT) First Rule work?
Prioritize job with
longest remaining processing time.
For which environments does Longest Remaining Processing Time on Fastest Machine (LRPT-FM) Rule work?
Qm|prmp|Cmax or Qm|prmp,rj|Cmax
Which algorithm should be used when dealing with Pm||Sum(Cj)?
Which algorithm should be used when dealing with Pm||Sum(wjCj)?
Formulate the integer program for Rm||sum(Cj)
Check notes
Whats the ideal algorithm to use when Pm|prmp|sum(Cj)
Non-preemtive SPT
Whats the ideal algorithm to use when Qm|prmp|sum(Cj)
SRPT on the Fastest Machine
Assign at any given point in time the job with the shortest remaining
processing time to the fastest machine, the job with the second
shortest remaining processing time to the second fastest machine,
and so on.