Paralegal Final Flashcards
What is Evidence?
Information that can be presented in court as proof of some fact.
Define Facts
An actual or alleged incident or condition - NOT a legal conclusion.
Define Rules of Evidence
Federal and State Rules that determine how to gather and preserve evidence to use it in court.
What are the 4 Forms of Evidence?
Real or Physical - Any Tangible Object (Knife, Gun, Bag of Money)
Testimonial- Oral Discription of events a witness testifies to under oath in a legal proceeding.
Documentary - Any written instruments (Records, Reports, Etc. )
Judicial Notice - Judge Formally recognizes something as being a fact w/o the Atty having to prove it.
What is the Foundation or Laying the Foundation?
The process of gathering admissable evidence (Relevant, Material, Competant, Authenticated) Evidence must be Rel, Mat, Comp to be Admissable.
What is Authenticated mean?
The process of proving evidence is admissable - proving the gun in the exhibit is THE gun from the crime.
What is Relevant Evidence?
This refers to Probative Value of Evidence and whether the evidence leads one to logically conclude that the asserted fact is more probable or less probable.
What is Material Evidence?
It is a subcategory to Relevant Evidence stating that evidence is required to be more probative than predjudicial.
What is Competant Evidence?
Relates to the ability of a witness to testify
1) Capable of being understood
2) Can understand their duty to tell the truth
3) If they are a lay witness, they must give testimony based on personal knowledge.
What is a Lay Witness?
Witness with no special expertise - Is testifying to their personal knowledge.
What is an Expert Witness?
Person with Expertise in a certain area as qualified- CAN testify with their opinion.
What are the 4 TYPES of evidence?
Direct Evidence - “I saw it”
Circumstantial Evidence - Indirect evidence used to imply that something took place.
Cumulative Evidence - Doesn’t add anything new - confirms existing evid. IN THE SAME FORM.
Corroborative Evidence - Evidence that supports the previous evidence IN A DIFFERENT FORM.
What is Hearsay? What is an Exception?
When a witness testifies in court about something someone told them - An Exception is Dying Declaration or excited utterance.
What is the Best Evidence Rule?
Having an original or the next best thing
How do you Plan an Investigation?
Get the chronology of Events
Pictures and Getting Documents
What is Supoena Duces Tecum?
It is a court order to someone who is not a party to litigation to appear in court or deposition and bring required documents.
What is a FOIA request?
It is a request for public government documents or information empowered by (Freedom of Information Act )
What is a retainer?
It is a deposit or an amount of money paid to an attorney in advance to engage services.
What is a fixed fee?
Set Fee for specific services (i.e drafting a will or real estate closing)
What is a contingency fee?
Fee calculated a percentage of a settlement or award (33% or 0) Cannot do divorce or criminal cases on contingency - creates conflict of interest between atty & client.
What is a tickler system?
A Calendaring system tracking document control - missing deadlines is the #1 malpractice cause.
What is a Case of First Impression?
When the court is facing an issue it hasn’t dealt with before and create common law.
What are the 3 types of Interview questions?
Open - Tell me about……
Closed - Yes, No, Short Answers
Leading - Sooo you FULLY stopped at the red light, Riight?
What is Mandatory Authority?
Higher court in the SAME Jurisdiction - The MA SJC is the mandatory authority to the MA trial courts and Appeals Court.
What is Persuasive Authority?
Can use as an authority -But you don’t have to follow – Use NH decision but you don’t have to.
What are headnotes?
The summary of a legal point in a court decision.
What is the Syllabus (in a court opinion)?
A summary of the fact and the courts decision.
What are 3 kinds or levels of professional status?
Licensure - Licensed and can be taken away
Certification - Qualified and Tested
Registration - Your name is on a list
What is Overrule?
When a court in a later case changes the law so that its prior decision is no longer Good Law - “Times Change”
What are the 3 main parts of a Citation?
The names of the parties, the volume, official reporter and page number, the unofficial reporter, and finally the decision year.
Bullet Points on Interviewing
- Send Form to get basic information
- Do a conflict check
- Introduction(s)
- Pay attention to cultural differences - if they are understanding what is being asked, what their hope for resolution is what theire view of the problem is.
- Do the funnel method of Questioning - Start with Open and funnel down to closed or leading .
- Summarize, Discuss Follow up, Ask if anything else I should know?
- Organize and write up notes ASAP after interview