Paraites Flashcards
type of host which larval or asexual stages develop
type of host where adult or sexual stages occur
diease and species:
Dysentery with inverted flask shaped lesions in large intestines with extension to peritneum and liver, lungs, brain and heart.
Blood and pus in stools, Liver abscesses
Disease = Amebiasis
Species = Entameoeba Histlytica
Oranisim that causes
Fatty, foul smelling diarrhea from mal-absorption
“falling leaf” motilitly
“untreated stream water”
Giardia lamblia : Giardiasis “Beaver Fever”
One of the MC cuases of Diarrhea in AIDS pts
Transient Diarrhea in healthy pts
not killed by Chlorine
Acid Fast oocytes in stool
biopsy shows dots (cysts) in intestinal glands
Bug and Treatment?
“Yellow green” frothy vaginal discharge,
fish like odor
Sexual and fomite transmission
“strawberry vagina”
Mobile trophozites in methylene blue wet mount
“Corkscrew motillity”
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Tx. Metronidazole
Cause of Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM)
**altered sense of smell**
Acute prefrontal Headache, nausea, high fever
often fatal
Diving in very warm fresh water
Keratitis; Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis (GAE) in immuno compromised patients
contact lense solution
Plasmodium species with Hypnozoites
P. Vivax and P. Ovale
can cause relapsing
Plasmodium Species
Relapse seen
Blood Smear: Enlarged host cells; ameboid trophozoites
48 hour fever spikes
P. Vivax
ReLapse from Liver
Plasmodium Species
Irregular fever spikes
Recrudescence but no relapse
Blood Smear: Multiple ring forms crescent-shaped gametes
Malignant Tertian
**Chloroquine resitance is a problem**
P Falciparum
REcruDescence in RED Blood cells
Disease and Bug
Latin America
Cardiomyopathy, Liver, Brain, Colon, Esophagus
Reduviid Bug vector
Chagas Disease
Trypanosma Cruzi
Hemoflagellate disease that can look like malaria
Genetic ApoLiproProtien protection has led to increased rates of renal failure
Vector is ________
Immune evasion from ______
African Sleeping sickness
Trypanosoma b.Gambiense or Rhodesiense
Spread by the Tsetse fly
Antigenic variation
Disease and Vector
Infect Macrophage appear as cytoplasmic dots
Middle East, Centra or S. America, India, North Africa, China
itching, solitary papule –> ulcer
Can resmeble Leprosy
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Disease, bug and Transmission
Middle East, Centra or S. America, India, North Africa, China
Invaides Macrophage
causes persistent fever, hepatosplenomegaly, thrombcytopenia and leukopenia
Darkening of the Skin “Kala Azar” means black sickness in Hindi
Visceral Leishmaniasis
Leishmania Donovanni
Transmitted by sandfly bite
Diseases, Bug, and vector
Often co-infection with Borrelia
Hemolytic, Malaria like
Giemsa stain or hamster inoculation –> Tetrads, Maltese crosses in RBC’s
Babesiosis, Babesia, Ixodes tick
Tx Clindamycin + quinine