"Paradise Lost" - quotes Flashcards
“war, then, war ____ or _______ must be _____”
“war, then war OPEN or UNDERSTOOD must be RESOLVED”
“_______ flaming”
“HEADLONG flaming”
“that forgetful ____”
“that forgetful LAKE”
“man’s _____ ________”
“their _______ durst _____ his light”
“their DARKNESS durst AFFRONT his light”
“_____ on a _____ of royal state”
“HIGH on a THRONE of royal state”
“we feel our power ________ to disturb his Heav’n”
“we feel our power SUFFICIENT to disturb his Heav’n”
“______ fire”
“PENAL fire”
“________ flowers”
“AMBROSIAL flowers”
“he our ________”
“he our CONQUEROR”
“eternal _______”
“eternal PROVIDENCE”
“what in me is ____ _______”
“what in me is DARK ILLUMINE”
“some ____ revenge, first, what ______?”
“some DIRE revenge, first, what REVENGE?”
“______ with ___ lightning”
“WINGED with RED lightning”
“the fields ______/The ____ their notes renew, and ______ herds/Attest their ___ that hill and valley rings”
“the fields REVIVE/The BIRDS their notes renew, and BLEATING herds/Attest their JOY that hill and valley rings”
“fixed ____ of Heav’n did _____ ______ your leader”
“fixed LAWS of Heav’n did FIRST CREATE your leader”
“his _____ throne”
“his FATAL throne”
“at his ______ bidding, darkness fled, light shone”
“at his SECOND bidding, darkness fled, light shone”
“Heav’n’s _____ ________ we overpower?”
“Heav’n’s LORD SUPREME we overpower?”
“_____ fire and Tartarean ______ and ______ fire”
“BLACK fire and Tartarean SULFUR, and STRANGE fire”
“in Paradise fast by the Tree of Life…flow’rs _____ shading the ____ of Life/And where the river of ____ through midst of Heav’n rolls over the Elysian…impurpled with ______ roses smiled”
“in Paradise fast by the Tree of Life…flow’rs ALOFT shading the FOUNT of Life/And where the river of BLISS through midst of Heav’n rolls over the Elysian…impurpled with CELESTIAL roses smiled”
“whose ___ views all these things at ____”
“whose EYE views all these things at ONCE”
“he whom ______ hath made _______”
“he whom THUNDER hath made GREATER”
“____ holy light for ___ is light”
“HAIL holy light for GOD is light”
“pain of __________ fire”
“wherein past, present, future he ______”
“wherein past, present, future he BEHOLDS”
“the _____ of Heav’n”
“the KING of Heav’n”
“this dark____ ______”
“this darkSOME DESERT”
“this _______ on Hell should spout her ______ of fire”
“this FIRMAMENT on Hell should spout her CATARACTS of fire”
“man _________, disloyal breaks his fealty, and sins, against the _____ supremacy of Heav’n”
“man DISOBEYING, disloyal breaks his fealty, and sins, against the HIGH supremacy of Heav’n”
“he who _____ _______ in Heav’n”
“he who REIGNS MONARCH in Heav’n”
“____ darkness”
“UTTER darkness”
“______ from God…back to thy punishment _____ _______”
“OUTCAST from God…back to thy punishment FALSE FUGITIVE”
“preferring hard ______ before the easy ____ of ______ pomp”
“preferring hard LIBERTY before the easy YOKE of SERVILE pomp”
“_____ after light”
“LIGHT after light”
“_____ disobedience”
“FILIAL disobedience”
“powers and ________”
“powers and DOMINIONS”
“yet from these _______/No light, but ______ darkness”
“yet from these FLAMES/No light, but RATHER darkness”
“none _____ sat”
“none HIGHER sat”
“______ imitated state”
“GODLIKE imitated state”
“this _______ gloom for that celestial _____”
“this MOURNFUL gloom for that celestial LIGHT”
“towards him they ____ with _____ _________ prone”
“towards him they BEND with AWFUL REVERENCE prone””
“_____ world of darkness…_______ of darkness”
“DEEP world of darkness…MAJESTY of darkness”
“Heav’n’s ___ ________ king”
“Heav’n’s ALL POWERFUL king”
“the happy _____ …_________ brightness”
“the happy REALMS…TRANSCENDENT brightness”
“what ______ I from such _______ paid”
“what PLEASURE I from such OBEDIENCE paid”
“Heav’n’s ____ light…the brightening orient ____ _____ off this gloom”
“Heav’n’s FAIR light…the brightening orient BEAM PURGE off this gloom”
“some I have chosen of ______ grace _____ above the rest”
“some I have chosen of PECULIAR grace ELECT above the rest”
“this _______ light”
“this DARKNESS light”
“______ to God and equally enjoying _____ ______”
“EQUAL to God and equally enjoying GODLIKE FRUITION”
“the nearest _____ of darkness lies _______ on light”
“the nearest COAST of darkness lies BORDERING on light”
“_____ the ____ and honour him as me”
“ADORE the SON and honour him as me”
“Satan _______ low, as to _______ ______ is ____ in Heav’n”
“Satan BOWING low, as to SUPERIOR SPIRITS is WONT in Heav’n”
“Better to ___ in Hell than serve in Heav’n”
” Better to REIGN in Hell that serve in Heav’n”