Paradise Lost Quotations Flashcards
Of man’s first…
disobedience and the fruit/ Of that forbidden tree
Brought death…
into the world and all our woe
Heav’nly Muse
Things unattempted…
yet in prose or rhyme
I may assert…
Eternal Providence/ And justify the ways of God to men
Against the throne…
and monarchy of God/ Raised impious war in Heav’n and battle proud/ With vain attempt
No light…
but rather darkness visible
sights of woe/…
regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace/ And rest can never dwell
O how unlike…
the place from whence they fell
happy realms…
of light/ Clothed with transcendent brightness
The tyranny…
Of Heav’n
aloud but racked with deep despair
Satan is of
‘… size’
Monstrous size
With fixèd…
‘Anchor in his scaly rind’
All his malice…
served but to bring forth/ Infinite goodness, grace, and mercy shown/ On man by him seduced
What did Satan bring upon himself
confusion, wrath and vengeance
A mind…
not to be changed by place or time!
Can make a
Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven
Better to
Reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Princes! …
Potentates! Warriors!
a pitchy cloud…
/Of locusts warping on the eastern wind
Fallen angels as pagan gods…
To transform/ …
Off to the image of a brute adorned/ With gay religions full of pomp and gold,/ And devils to adore for deities!
Fallen angels and epic reference
‘Move/ In perfect…
Phalanx to the Dorian mood
His strength concealed,/…
Which tempted our attempt and wrought our fall
peace is despaired…
For who can think submission? War then, war/ Open or understood, must be resolved
On their sounding shields the din of war/ hurling defiance toward the vault of Heav’n
Men on earth:
‘ransacked the center…
And with impious hands/ Rifled the bowels of their Mother Earth
Angels digging:
Opened into the hill…
a spacious wound/ And digged out ribs of gold
Metals/ minerals in the soil are
How did pandemonium form ?
‘Rose like an exhalation’
Classical architectural elements
Doric pillars
Golden architrave
Light in pandemonium
and asphaltus yielded light/ As from a sky