Paradise Lost, key quotes (AO2) Flashcards
I now must change….revolt, And disobedience
I now must change [ 5 ] Those Notes to Tragic; foul distrust, ….revolt, And disobedience:
Heaven Now alienated…judgement given
Heav’n Now alienated, distance and distaste, Anger and just rebuke, and judgement giv’n,
Of my Celestial Patroness….my unpremeditated Verse
Of my Celestial Patroness, who…. inspires Easie my unpremeditated Verse:
The space of … rode With darkness,
The space of seven continu’d Nights he rode With darkness,
Rose up a fountain….then sought Where to lie hid
Rose up a Fountain by the Tree of Life; In with the River sunk, and with it rose Satan involv’d in rising Mist, then sought [ 75 ] Where to lie hid;
thus… narrow search
the Orb he roam’d With narrow search;
The serpent…the Field
The Serpent suttlest Beast of all the Field.
O Earth, how like to Heaven….after better worse would build?
O Earth, how like to Heav’n, if not preferr’d …! For what God after better worse would build?
Of Growth, Sense, Reason…Of Hill, and Vallie, Rivers, Woods and Plaines
Of Growth, Sense, Reason, all summ’d up in Man…. [ 115 ] Of Hill, and Vallie, Rivers, Woods and Plaines,
the more I see pleasures….hateful siege of Of contraries
the more I see Pleasures about me, so much more I feel [ 120 ] Torment within me, as from the hateful siege Of contraries;
good to me becomes…would be my state
good to me becomes Bane, and in Heav’n much worse would be my state.
neither here seek I…mastering Heavens Supreme
neither here seek I, no nor in Heav’n To dwell, unless by maistring Heav’ns Supreame; [ 125 ]
For only in…ease
For onely in destroying I find ease
In one day to have…long Before been contriving
in one day to have marr’d What he Almightie styl’d, six Nights and Days Continu’d making, and who knows how long Before had bin contriving,
I in one Night freed…hald Th’Angelic Name
I in one Night freed [ 140 ] From servitude inglorious welnigh half Th’ Angelic Name,
The serpent sleeping….and the dark intent I bring
The Serpent sleeping, in whose mazie foulds To hide me, and the dark intent I bring.
O foul descent!…and mixed with bestial slime
O foul descent! that I who erst contended With Gods to sit the highest, am now constraind Into a Beast, and mixt with bestial slime, [ 165 ]
But what will not Ambition….high he soared
But what will not Ambition and Revenge Descend to? who aspires must down as low As high he soard…
Revenge, as first…self recoiles
Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter ere long back on it self recoiles;
The Serpent: him fast sleeping…with suttle wiles
The Serpent: him fast sleeping soon he found In Labyrinth of many a round self-rowld, His head the midst, well stor’d with suttle wiles:
The Devil enterd…With act intelligential
The Devil enterd, and his brutal sense, In heart or head, possessing soon inspir’d With act intelligential
sacred Light began…And joind their vocal Worship
sacred Light began to dawne …humid Flours, that breathd Thir morning incense, … From th’ Earths great Altar send up silent praise [ 195 ] To the Creator, and his Nostrils fill With grateful Smell,….human pair….joind thir vocal Worship
till more hands Aid…our labour grows
till more hands Aid us, the work under our labour grows,
Let us divide our labours…where most needs
Let us divide our labours, thou where choice Leads thee, or where most needs [ 215 ]
Sole Eve, Associate sole…Creatures deare
Sole Eve, Associate sole, to me beyond Compare above all living Creatures deare,
for nothing lovelier can be found…Husband to promote
for nothing lovelier can be found In Woman, then to studie houshold good, And good workes in her Husband to promote.
not so strictly….we need Refreshment
not so strictly hath our Lord impos’d [ 235 ] Labour, as to debarr us when we need Refreshment,
For not to irksom toile…delight to Reason joyn’d
For not to irksom toile, but to delight He made us, and delight to Reason joyn’d.
other doubt possesses….sever’d from me
other doubt possesses me, least harm Befall thee sever’d from me
The Wife, where danger….or with her the worst endures
The Wife, where danger or dishonour lurks, Safest and seemliest by her Husband staies, Who guards her, or with her the worst endures.
But that thou shouldst my firmness…I expected not to hear
But that thou shouldst my firmness therfore doubt To God or thee, because we have a foe [ 280 ] May tempt it, I expected not to hear.
His violence thou fear’st….or can repell
His violence thou fear’st not, being such, As wee, not capable of death or paine, Can either not receave, or can repell.
Not diffident of thee do I….intended by our Foe
Not diffident of thee do I dissuade Thy absence from my sight, but to avoid Th’ attempt itself, intended by our Foe. [ 295 ]
I from the influence of…more watchful, stronger
I from the influence of thy looks receave Access in every Vertue, in thy sight [ 310 ] More wise, more watchful, stronger,
If this be our condition…fear of harm?
If this be our condition, thus to dwell In narrow circuit strait’nd by a Foe… How are we happie, still in fear of harm?
And what is Faith…exterior help sustained?
And what is Faith, Love, Vertue unassaid [ 335 ] Alone, without exterior help sustaind?
O Woman, best are…Nothing imperfect or deficient left
O Woman, best are all things as the will Of God ordain’d them, his creating hand Nothing imperfet or deficient left [ 345 ]
But God left free the Will…Reason he made right
But God left free the Will, for what obeyes Reason, is free, and Reason he made right
But bid her well beware…and misinforme the Will
But bid her well beware, and still erect, Least by some faire appeering good surpris’d She dictate false, and misinforme the Will [ 355 ]
SO spake the Patriarch….though last, repli’d
So spake the Patriarch of Mankinde, but Eve Persisted, yet submiss, though last, repli’d.
So bent, the more shall…Soft she withdrew
So bent, the more shall shame him his repulse. Thus saying, from her Husbands hand her hand [ 385 ] Soft she withdrew
Eye pursu’d Delighted, she to him as oft engag’d
Eye pursu’d Delighted, but desiring more her stay. Oft he to her his charge of quick returne Repeated, shee to him as oft engag’d [ 400 ]
O much deceav’d….event peverse!
O much deceav’d, much failing, hapless Eve, Of thy presum’d return! event perverse! [ 405 ]
And on his Quest…his purposd prey
And on his Quest, where likeliest he might finde The onely two of Mankinde, but in them [ 415 ] The whole included Race, his purposd prey.
Stupidly good….of envie, of revenge
Stupidly good, of enmitie disarm’d, [ 465 ] Of guile, of hate, of envie, of revenge;
But the holt Hell…he recollects
But the hot Hell that alwayes in him burnes, …Fierce hate he recollects,