Paradise Lost book IX-- Quotes Flashcards
(Milton) My celestial…
patroness…dictates to me.
Satan: in meditated…
fraud and malice, bent on Man’s destruction.
The serpent…
subtlest beast of all the field
like a black mist…
low creeping, he held on his midnight search
send up silent…
praise to the Creator
Eve: Let us…
divide our labours
Adam: sole eve…
associate sole, to me above all living creatures dear!
Adam: short absence I could yield…
for solitude is sometimes best society, and short retirement urges sweet return
Adam: but other doubt…
possesses me … What malicious foe envying our happiness
Adam: The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks…
safest and seemliest by her husband stays, who guards her, or with her the worst endures
Eve: his fraud is, then, thy fear; which plain infers…
thy equal fear that my firm faith and love can by his fraud be shaken or seduced
Adam: Subtle he needs must be…
who could seduce angels
from her husband’s hand …
her hand soft she withdrew
O much deceived…
much failing, hapless Eve
Despoiled of…
innocence, of faith, of bliss
the only two of mankind…
but in them the whole included race, his purposed prey
such pleasure took the serpent…
to behold… the sweet recess of eve
her heavenly form…
angelic but more soft and feminine
overawed his…
The Evil one abstracted stood…
from his own evil… remained stupidly good.
pleasure to…
head crested…
aloft.. his circling spires
Satan: celestial..
beauty adore
Satan: goddess…
among gods
Satan: ye should be…
as gods
she plucked…
she eat. Earth felt the wound
Greedily she …
ingorged without restraint
Eve: our great…
back to the thicket…
slunk the guilty serpent
Eve: adam…
wedded to another eve
Eve: and make them…(about the fruit)
gods who taste
Eve: equal joy…
as equal love
trespass done by eve
horror chill ran through his veins…
the garland wreathed for eve down dropt, and all the faded roses shed.
Adam: defaced…
deflowered and now to death devote.. and me with thee hath ruined
Adam: flesh of…
flesh, bone of my bone thou art.
but fondly…
overcome with female charm
nature gave a …
second groan
the mortal…
sin original
in lust…
they burn
of their mutual guilt..
the seal, the solace of their sin.
but high winds worse within…
began to rise, high passions
in mutual accusation…
spent the fruitless hours