Paradise Lost Flashcards
For thou such art…..
From sin and blame entire
Daughter of god and man….
, immortal eve
Greedily she engorged without restraint,
And knew not eating death
Ye shall
Be gods
He ended, and his words replete with guile…..
Into her heart too easy entrance won
Now improved on meditated fraud and malice ,…..
Bent on mans destruction
For only in destroying….
I find ease to my relentless thoughts
Let us divide….
Our labours
For nothing lovelier could be found in women,
than to study household good , and good works in her husband to promote
But god left free the free will, for what obeys reason,….
Is free, and reason he made right
‘Fair defect /
Of nature’
‘O much deceav’d, much failing
Hapless eve’
‘The serpent me beguiled
And I did eat’
‘Despoiled of innocence,
Of faith, of bliss’
‘Better to reign in hell
Than serve in heaven’
‘Here at least/
We shall be free’